traumatic experience

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A/N: Sorry for not uploading for a few days, I was just really hesitant to upload this chapter. I seriously considered getting rid of it, but in the end I uploaded it anyways. Sorry if you don't enjoy it ._.


You were in the practice room with your members, rehearsing a new dance you'd been learning for the next comeback. For some reason, the company decided to use a new choreographer for this dance, but you all liked it so nobody could really complain. You didn't know this choreographer very well, nor had you seen him around the company, so he must've been a new employee entirely.

During rehearsals you were feeling extremely uncomfortable; not only were you tired and slightly sluggish that day, you couldn't help but notice the way the choreographer was looking at you. He was staring at you for majority of that practice, and it didn't look like he had appropriate intentions. It made you feel unsafe, but you tried not to let it bother you too much and brushed it off pretty quickly. Maybe you were overthinking it and just being paranoid. You didn't want to cause a fuss and, after all, your boys were all there with you anyways.

You were wearing a cropped shirt with a pair of joggers that day, and your hair was in a loose bun on the top of your head.

Once the group practice was over, you decided to stay back. You were struggling with the choreography since you had been pretty unfocussed, so you thought it would be best to stay until you perfected it. You knew all the basic moves, but you were finding it difficult to actually execute them well. They didn't look as good as you had hoped, and it was really bothering you.

Chan told you that he would be in the studio nearby working on some music, so the boys didn't mind leaving you on your own to practice - he was nearby in case you needed anything or if you finished late. The choreographer had left too, so you didn't feel as uncomfortable. The boys left once they said their goodbyes and gave you tons of hugs and kisses, which made you giggle. You resumed your practice shortly after they were gone.

You had been practicing for a few minutes with your headphones in, when you suddenly noticed the door opening in the reflection of the mirror. Turning around, your eyes widened slightly when you saw that it was the choreographer who had returned. He leaned back against the wall after entering the room and closing the door, crossing his arms over his chest. You looked at him nervously but bowed politely regardless, wondering if he needed anything from you.
"Oh carry on, I'll just watch and give you help if I feel you need it," he replied, motioning for you to continue and letting out a smile that did absolutely nothing to ease your worries. You forced a smile in return, which ended up coming out as more of a grimace, before turning back around to face the mirror.

You tried your best to practice the moves for a while, but the way he was staring at you and the look in his eyes was making you feel really uncomfortable.
"Shall I help?" he asked after a few moments, when you seemed to be struggling with one of the moves. He stepped closer to you, causing you to step back in panic, and in that moment you knew you needed to get out of there. You were just feeling way too anxious.

"Oh it's okay, I'm just going to take a little break now," you responded, walking over to the other side of the room where your bag was located. You grabbed your water bottle and, while you were facing away from him, discreetly tried to call Chan so that he would hear if something happened or if you needed help. Your earphones were still in - you had been listening to the music through them to rehearse rather than using the speakers out of pure laziness - which meant the choreographer wouldn't be able to hear if Chan spoke. You let the phone ring as you grabbed your stuff and headed towards the door, bowing politely at the choreographer.

𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐲 𝐤𝐢𝐝𝐬 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐡 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 Where stories live. Discover now