the aftermath

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A/N: Pause! So I have some good news for my fellow True Beauty lovers: I've decided to start writing a story based on the drama! It'll probably take at least a few weeks before I start updating it, but I wanted to let everyone know in advance. It's why I've been a little all over the place with my updates, and that will likely continue for a while as I get into the swing of writing two stories at once. I will probably post updates on my message board, so follow me if you want to receive those. After this chapter it may take a while because I will probably start to write the True Beauty story soon, but I will try my best to upload at least once a week where possible! I hope you can all support me there too. <3
Anyways, that's enough of my self-promotions, now back to the story! :))

WARNING: Nightmares?

The next morning Chan was at the company to speak to JYP and back before you had even woken up, the other boys still cuddling with you on the living room floor. He had gone straight to JYP's office as soon as he arrived at the building, JYP already expecting him. The security guard who helped Chan get into the practice room the night before had told JYP as soon as it happened, and had dealt with the choreographer immediately after. JYP was just waiting for Chan to arrive in order to update him about the choreographer who had been given the correct punishment for his actions.

JYP apologised to Chan multiple times for letting something like that happen and for having hired such a person, and updated Chan about the punishment the choreographer would receive. Chan felt reassured that the choreographer would no longer be able to hurt you, and left the company shortly after his meeting with JYP. He agreed to not make a statement, since he knew it would cause an uproar and that you would be uncomfortable if the public became aware of what happened, and also made sure to halt your group's activities and give you all a break for a few weeks after what had happened.

The weeks that followed were filled with love and comfort from your members, and you just used the time to calm yourself down and heal. Most of your bruises healed pretty quickly, the only visible injury now being your hand. The boys made sure you were always wearing your splint to keep your hand from moving so it could heal well and cause you as little pain as possible, and you didn't sleep alone for those few weeks. You would still flinch at times at the boys' contact, but they were patient and made sure to comfort you whenever you needed it and help you calm down.

After a few weeks though, you didn't have any nightmares and so you thought it would be good to try sleeping alone for a night. You and Hyunjin had agreed to switch beds for the time being since your hand was still in pain, and he knew it would be difficult for you to climb up and down the ladder to your bunk despite you saying you were okay. You went to sleep that night thinking you would be able to cope, the boys making sure to stay with you until you fell asleep before heading to their own rooms. They were worried about you sleeping alone, but complied with your wishes since you seemed adamant about your nightmares being gone and that you would be able to handle it.

You're running, as fast as you possibly can.
You couldn't remember what you were running from, just that you were in danger and you desperately needed to get away. Now.
You shake your head. No, you can't get distracted. You need to get to safety.
But from what?
You turned around, and the figure you see behind you causes a shiver to run down your spine as you finally recall the reason you were running for your life.

It's him, you realise, your panic increasing tenfold at the realisation of who was following you. He's back, and he's going to hurt you.
"There's nobody to save you this time," you hear his voice, taunting, and your fear worsens when you realise how close he is to catching you.
"Oh my god oh my god oh my god he's going to get me," you mumble to yourself as you try to run faster, tears running down your cheeks as your fear increases with each passing second. Nobody was around you, so if he caught you there would be nobody to save you.

"Byeol," you think you hear, but your mind can't comprehend anything except the fact that he was getting closer, it sounded like he was speaking directly into your mind.
"No he's going to get m-"

You gasp and shoot up so suddenly that your head hits Jisung's before he can move away, a whimper of pain leaving both of you. Your body was trembling out of fear, and a few tears had trickled down your cheeks while you tried to catch your breath. You reach up to rub your throbbing forehead, before looking up at Jisung when you realise that you had hit him too.
"I'm sorry oppa," you whisper guiltily, reaching up to rub his forehead too but he smiles and gently grabs your hand to reassure you that he was fine.

Jisung had climbed out of his bed and walked over to you as soon as he realised you were having a nightmare, since he was the only one who was still awake. He was on his phone just watching some videos to pass the time, glancing over at you every few minutes. He was worried about you sleeping alone, as were the other boys, so he decided to stay up for as long as he could to make sure you were okay.

He's quick to wrap an arm around you when he notices you shaking, handing you a water bottle which he had filled and placed on the floor beside his bed that night in case you had a nightmare. You take little sips of the water before leaning against him tiredly, finally able to catch your breath. He comforts you for a little while longer, and when he realises that you won't be able to sleep alone for the rest of that night he picks you up and helps you into his bed on the other side of the room. You snuggle up against him, your head leaning against his chest while he strokes your hair to comfort you, his other arm wrapped around your waist.

"I'm sor-"
"Stop it," you cut him off with a sigh, knowing what he was going to say, "we both know it's not your fault. None of you are responsible for what happened."
"But we all feel so guilty for what happened," he tells you sadly, "We promised we would protect you and we weren't there when you needed our help."
"I'm okay though, Channie oppa helped me before it got really bad and all of you have been helping me feel much better." You reach up to caress his cheek, leaning up to place a little kiss on it before moving back to rest against his chest. "I'm okay oppa, I promise you," you whisper, and as much as he wants to continue apologising to you he remains quiet, his arm tightening around your waist. You fall asleep shortly after, finally feeling yourself calming down to the sound of his heartbeat.

𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐲 𝐤𝐢𝐝𝐬 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐡 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 Where stories live. Discover now