the 9th (season 1 - episode 2)

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A/N: Not proofread :)

The nine of you decided that it would be nice to go on a little trip, and you all wanted to go on one with Minho this time since he couldn't join you during the survival show. The boys agreed that you all needed some time to calm down a little bit and make some memories as a nice way to start your careers as idols, so Chan planned for you all to go to Namsan for the day.

You're currently in one of the practice rooms at the company, sitting in front of the camera with the boys. You're sat on a sofa between Minho and Felix, in front of Seungmin who was leaning down to place his arms on your shoulders. Your hands were placed on top of his around your neck, playing with his fingers absentmindedly as you listened to the boys' conversation.

You were wearing a lilac sweater with a pair of jeans, and some white trainers. Your (H/L) locks were beautifully waved and tucked behind your ear on one side, and you had finished the look with some accessories - you wore small, silver hooped earrings and a simple silver necklace. Your makeup was very simple that day, all you really had on was some eye makeup to match the colour of your sweater. Your adorable moles were on show as a result, which the boys all seemed to love.

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Chan told all of you that you would travel to Namsan in three groups, and that each group would be travelling there with a different mode of transport

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Chan told all of you that you would travel to Namsan in three groups, and that each group would be travelling there with a different mode of transport. He gave you the chance to choose your group after the transport was decided for each team, unlike the other boys who had already been allocated into their groups.

The members decided to play a quick game of rock paper scissors to determine the order in which the pieces of paper, which had the different types of transport on them, would be picked. When the boys opened the pieces of paper, you immediately burst into giggles at the sight of everyone mocking Changbin. You realised why they were making fun of him after Chan told you that his paper said 'walk'. Changbin was unamused, his expression causing the rest of you to laugh even more.

When everyone finally managed to calm down a little, they asked you what team you wanted to join. After seeing how sad the 'walking' team looked, you made your decision to join them and try to make the journey as fun as possible for them. The others were shocked, mainly because they had expected you to choose either the cable cars or public transport, but the boys in your chosen team were ecstatic.

The teams were therefore as follows: Chan, Jeongin and Felix would be travelling by public transport, Jisung and Minho would be taking the cable car, and you would be walking with Seungmin, Hyunjin and Changbin.

Although you have to walk, you end up really enjoying the journey. You didn't really have much time to explore since you've been in South Korea, so this ended up being a really fun walk for you - just looking around at everything and having fun conversations with your members already felt so calming.

When you were in the middle of walking the boys mentioned that there was a little over 2km left, and pointed out where the tower was from afar. You stopped walking, jaw dropping in shock at how far it looked.

"That's 2.3km?!" you scream, pretending to faint at the news. The boys laugh at your antics, before continuing the journey. The walk looked much longer than it actually was, because around 15 minutes later all of you had managed to reach the stairs to the tower.

During the time you spend climbing the stairs you do end up taking a few breaks because it gets quite tiring, but you just used the opportunity to talk to the camera and to each other. When you were about half way up the stairs, all of you had ended up taking your coats off because the walk had made you feel quite hot. Changbin suggested playing a game of rock paper scissors to decide who should hold all of the coats. He had the intention of no longer having to carry his coat, but ended up being the one to lose and had to hold all four of them.

When you finally get to the top of the stairs you notice that the other two teams are already there, so you call out to them. They all run towards you at the sound of your voice, bringing you into little hugs.

"Awwww we missed you Eun!" Felix says, his voice slightly muffled since his head was on your shoulder and he was nuzzling into your neck slightly. You laugh at his words, returning the hug with the same amount of enthusiasm, before moving to greet the other boys who had been waiting for your team to arrive.

"By the way," Jeongin starts, causing you to look over at him in curiosity, "we bought ice-cream." He says, before snickering at your expression - your smile had dropped and your jaw was practically touching the ground, a look of pure devastation clouding your features.

"I feel like I just experienced the true meaning of betrayal," you state, causing the boys to collapse into fits of laughter.

After sadly pouting at the boys you end up with a cup of churros and ice-cream in your hand, happily skipping up the ramp towards the higher areas of the tower (where the locks are all kept).

You start to get tired after a while, so you follow the boys but walk a little slower. Jisung, noticing your sluggish movements, wordlessly pulled you towards him and leaned down, motioning for you to get on his back. You lean down and give him a little kiss on the cheek to thank him, before wrapping your arms around his shoulders to let him give you a piggy back ride.

Hyunjin had suggested to all of you that it would be a nice idea if you all wrote on a lock to place as a nice memory for the team, which you all agreed to.

When you get to the top and you realise how high up you actually are, you cling tighter to Jisung and move your head to face away from the view to the side. He comforts you, talking to you and entertaining you to keep you busy and to keep your mind off the fear.

You get a lock each and decide write a message on one side, and on the other side to write out the letters to spell Stray Kids using all of the locks. You chose a pink lock, and moved to a bench where Jisung put you down to write down your messages.

You proceeded to write your message, which read:
To my lovely members, I hope we succeed and become a group we are all proud of. Let's stay together forever! Stray Kids fighting! <3

Since there were nine letters and nine of you, your lock had the letter 'S' written on it. You simply took the letters to spell Stray Kids by order of age.

You enjoy the rest of your time at Namsan Tower, taking lots of pictures together after putting all the locks in place.

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