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Surprises and sign in sheets

꧁Surprises and sign in sheets꧂

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"What'd you make for us anyway?"

"Kuroo we are literally meters away from the cafeteria, shut up and wait."

"You wound me manager of ours, you really do."

You look over at Kuroo "Stay wounded, perhaps you'll bleed out that way."

"That was mean manager chan~"

You ignore Kuroo in favor of walking into the cafeteria leaving the provocation expert outside by himself. However just before you close the door on him your sure you hear Kuroo chuckle to himself.

"Y/N!" You jump as Yamamoto unexpectedly yells out your name.

"...Yes?" You ask, unsure as to why Yamamoto was yelling for you now.

"You..." The ace wobbles towards you fresh tears in his eyes now "You made this!"

"Yeah, why are you crying again?"

"You made this for me!" Yamamoto breaks out crying for real this time and you watch startled as he cradles the home made omamori* in his hands.

"I made everyone one... why are you crying?"

Yaku walks over and kicks Yamamoto not so gently before yelling at him to get up and stop making everyone so uncomfortable. After Yaku managed to get Yamamoto calm, if you can even call it that, he makes conversation with you.

"So you did make these," Yaku holds up his own omamori and once again you nod. "That must have taken so long, we all appreciate it."

"Ah, of course."

"You didn't stay up all night making these did you?"

You shake your head, knowing what would happen if you told Yaku you had stayed up a few more hours than you should've for a couple of days in order to finish the teams good luck charms. "Of course not."

Yaku squints at you before nodding "Fine. Make sure you eat some breakfast and have a cup of water." And then he walks off to go back to his table.

"At first," You stiffen up for a second before calming due to Kuroo surprising you "I didn't really understand why everyone was freaking out about these charms." You turn around to face Kuroo, who's holding up his own omamori, "But I get it now. You did good Y/N, we appreciate it." Kuroo then walks past you, patting your shoulder as he went.

You glance at the empty table, everyone had grabbed their cat themed omamori. A small smile comes over your face as you feel the cloth of the last two in your pocket. The two a little different than the ones you'd given to your own team.


"There's so many people here..." You mumble glancing around the sports stadium where the team would be playing today. While glancing around you catch sight of the back of someone's head for some reason you think they look a little familiar.

"Y/N!" Yamamoto whines.

You sigh before looking away from the familiar looking male and to the ace "What Yamamoto?" Catching sight of the pudding haired male next to the ace you bob your head in greeting to him as well. Kenma nods back, his eyes flicking up towards you before focusing back on his game.

"Here," Yamamoto slides a package of ikinari dango towards you. "I need to get the gari gari kun popsicles when they won't won't melt, but here..." For once Yamamoto was quiet as a small blush paints his face as he gave you the sweet.

"Aw, Yamamoto," Your eyes gleam as you watch the treat in Yamamoto's hands. Kenma observes you a little more closely than he usually does. Your cheeks are slightly flushed, a grin splitting your cheeks, and your feline like eyes gleaming in the florescent lights of the gym. Somehow you look predatorial but you also remind Kenma of the ally cats that he would some times stop to pet if they came close enough. "I appreciate it." You forgot all about the unknown familiar male now focusing on the ikinari dango the ace just gave you.

"Alright you three, we're all waiting, let's go." You jump slightly, not expecting Yaku to appear from virtually no where.

Kenma only walks off and right towards Kuroo who seemed to be waiting on the pudding haired male.

"Y/N, Nekomata wants you."

"Ah, thank you Yaku senpai."

"Ooooh Y/N's in trouble!"

"Shut up Lev," Yaku kicks lev right in the junction of his knee causing the lanky male to fall. Yaku turns away from Lev and gives you a small smile "He's near the entrance, looking at the brackets."

You nod at Yaku before making your merry way towards where Yaku said Nekomata was.

"Nekomata sensei, Naoi sensei." You make your presence known to the two men by calling for them and the two turn to greet you.

"Perfect, Yaku did get you." Nekomata chuckles to himself a little bit. "Could you do me a favor and sign us in? Naoi and I have to talk about a few plans for our opponents."

You give a grin to the cheery old man "Of course I can."

"Perfect," Nekomata, once more, chuckles a little as he pulls a clipboard from seemingly no where. A few pieces of paper and a pen already attached to it. "All you have to do is go to the front desk and give the attendance officer these sheets and sign a few papers for us."

"Am I allowed to sign paper work for the volleyball team?"

"You're the manager, yes?"


"Then you can sign the paper work."

You nod "Alright then, just point me in the correct direction and I'll be on my way."

Nekomata instructs you to go to the second floor of the building and that towards the back entrance, where teams are supposed to enter from, there will be an attendance officer. And so you begin your trek.

At least until you a phone call.

"Oi Y/N!" Atsumu.

Not liking his demanding tone you decide to be petty. "Sorry Y/N cannot come to the phone right now, please leave a message and he will get back to you as soon as he can, beeeeep."

"Oi Y/N, I know you answered!" Silence "Your answering machine doesn't sound that like that." You still don't reply. Atsumu sounds a little further from the phone now "Damnit, he didn't answer."

A small smile slides over your face in amusement. "Beeep. Thank you for the voicemail, Y/N will get to you when he can." And then you hang up.

Not even two seconds later you get another call.

"Hey," Ah, Osamu.

"Oh, hey 'Samu, how are you?"

"M' feelin' pretty good. But I'd be even better if you turned around."

"That's kind of creepy 'Samu, I didn't take you for that type~" You tease the male with a small laugh but nonetheless you do as told only to freeze.

"I'm gonna have to call you back."

"Take your time gorgeous."

You hang up the phone and walk forward a beaming smile painted on your face. "'Samu!" You wrap your arms around the male and squeeze him tightly. "It's good to see you again!"


A/N: It's been a while...

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