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The moments before a competition truly starts were always a moment of tense stillness for you.

Everything was always slowed down,

Your steps,

Your breathing,

The world around you. Everything seemed so slow and still.

Right until you reached the ice.

Then everything moved at such a fast pace, your skates against the ice as you glide, twirl, and jump. It all happened so fast, and then... warmup's were over. And back to the tense still you went.

You, along with everyone else in your bracket, line up one after another, side by side, as you await the number that will tell you what you what order you all will go in.

A stone faced man, one of the judges most likely, comes by with a black box, "In this box there are five papers, all labeled one through five. I will stop at each one of you, when I do reach in and take out a paper. From the smallest number to the largest is the order you will go in. For example, if you get number one, you will go first. Five, last. Understood?"

You nod "Understood." You and the others speak together.

And you picked.

Either lucky or unlucky you ended up drawing number one. You'd be on the ice first.

You don't pay attention to anything working on auto piolet you approach your coach. Both of her hands come to rest on your shoulder as you blankly stare at her, "I know how you get before competitions so all I have to say is go out there and kill it. You know all of the moves and you land all of your jumps in practice so go out and kill it here too."

You only nod "Ossu."

You then take off all of your warm up gear, and wait. And oh god, waiting is the hardest part. You know your names going to be called and your just standing there, completely still, almost as if your waiting for permission to move.

"First up is L/N Y/N." And there it is. You glide to the middle of the rink and wait for the music to start "And his theme this season is Rebirth."

As usual you start with the music, the tale of your characters rebirth playing out in your head. The longer the routine went on the more complicated your jumps became.

He lived a basic life. Worked a plain nine to five to ensure that his needs were met, once work was over he would then go home to his cat. Your first jump was easily landed, Twice a month he would go to a bar and have a drink or two then home he went once again. A dull life for a dull guy. But... one day.

This jump was a little more difficult than the last but you still landed it with ease. He just stops. Your expression seems to gain intensity as your presence on the ice increases. You exuding an air that demanded everyone's attention. The nine to five was completely abandoned. He moved out of the apartment and stopped going to the bar. The dull life was over. The man no longer wanted to be a lonely man living an unfulfilling life. You do a jump sequence and landed both, not a step out of place. As your routine draws to a close you slide into a combination spin. And just as the music ends you come to a stop and do your finishing pose.

The announcer repeats your name and theme once more as you glide off the ice.

"Y/N." You coach greets you at the edge of your rink.


The older woman reaches over and pats your head "You did great kid, now on to the kiss and cry we go."

A small smile breaks out on your face as you slide on your skate guard "Yeah."

The two of you make your way to the kiss and cry, both of you sitting and staring at the screen for a minute that seems all to slow as the both of you await your score.

Kenma peeks his head up from his PSP and watches the boy he finds all to interesting look a little too good for how sweaty he is, as he seemingly stares right into him due to the camera that was stationed at the kiss and cry being right on top of the monitor that would display Y/N's score. A smile breaks out onto Y/N's face as the score finally pops onto the screen and Kenma ducks his head back into his PSP, eyes blowing wide as a faint pink stains the apples of his cheeks. Oh no.


I got a job.

Ice Skates & Volleyball | Haikyuu x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now