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It wasn't like you weren't pleased to see people from your school. It was just you'd be teaching beginners how to skate, you know your coach told you that it's good to go back to the basics but this was a little too far. I mean come on, half the team can't even stand on the ice!

Maybe it was the purse of your lips that gave it away, the tight hold on your water bottle, the squinting of your eyes into a glare or even just your silence but your coach pulled you to the side.

"Y/N, i know this seems like a daunting task, teaching them a few moves-"

You raise your eyebrows at that "Few moves? Coach this is beyond a few moves! I'm teaching them how to stand on the ice, the basics of ice skating! How long will I be teaching them this? This could ruin my season!"

"I'll give you a key to the rink." You stop your rant, and blink at your coach in disbelief.

"A," You pause as what your coach says sinks in and your eyes sparkle as a smile settles onto your face "A key to the rink!"

She nods "A key to the rink, closing will no longer kick you out, and if you manage to wake up, practice times will no longer determine when you can come in either."

You nod frantically "I'll do it!"

Your coach gives you a smile "And, if I see that your focusing less on your routines and more on teaching them things or working on their plans i'll make sure to cut it off."

You nod, slightly ashamed at your outburst "Alright."

After your, not so quiet, talk with the coach you skate back over to the nekoma team.

"Alright!" Your coach claps "Nekomata san has you volleyball boys here to work on footwork and balance. Am I correct?" The volleyball boys nod. "Great. I see presently only two of you can actually stand on the ice." She glances at the short boy and other black haired boy. "I'm afraid i have to get back to my other students but trust and believe me when I say," She places her hands on your shoulders "Y/N, here is the best person you could ask here to teach you." You scrutinize the gray haired boy holding onto the wall, that's the damn first year that ran into me!

"Alright Y/N, I leave them in your very capable hands." Coach once again glides off in her tennis shoes and you note the two men, the volleyball coaches, that are sitting in the bleachers.

"As i'm sure you head from my coach, I'm L/N Y/N but you can call me L/N sensei." The first year who ran into you snickers and you narrow your eyes "Please keep in mind, the blades on the bottom of my shoes are sharp and I know how to wield them better than all of you." That causes the first year to shut it.

A bed headed male attempts to let go of the while only to wobble and grab onto another pudding haired male who seems uninterested in everything going on around him. The bed head clears his throat "I'm Tetsurō Kuroo, a third year at Nekoma high and the captain of the volleyball team." He nudges the pudding haired male who lets out a sigh.

"Kozume Kenma, you can call me Kenma, a second year at Nekoma high. Setter." He doesn't make eye contact and seems to dislike even looking in your direction.

After that, introductions flow smoothly, it turns out the two standing on the ice are Yaku and Fukunaga and the lanky first year that ran into you was Lev. Much to you amusement he can't seem to stand on the ice for even a few seconds before falling over. It also seems each time he hits the ice, he winds up hurt. Some twisted part of you enjoys that fact quite a bit.

"Alright." You glance at the two who can at least stand on the ice. "If you can, please skate to the middle of the rink." You glide backwards before stoping a few centimeters away from the wall on the opposite side of the rink, you once again drink from your water bottle.

Both Fukunaga and Yaku glide to the middle of the rink while Kenma wobbles his way there. At least Kenma seemed to figure some of it out. The rest of the team is struggling to even manage a meter.

You place your water bottle down and glide around the struggling Nekoma students. "If you feel your going to fall call for me and i'll catch you, but you won't learn if you continue to hold onto the edge of the rink." You glance at Lev as you say that. His eyes going wide as he looks away from you.

"L/N sensei!" Your head whips to Inuoka who's feet are moving sloppily along the ice as his hands flail in the air.

You skate over to the brown haired male and attempt to grab one of his flailing arms. "Inuoka san, please hold your arms still." The first year does so and you grab hold of him, holding onto his arms firmly you lead him over to where Kenma Yaku and Fukunaga were, once again, he struggles to stand firm.

"Yaku Senpai, can you hold Inuoka up for me? I have a feeling I need to grab a few things." Yaku nods and grabs hold of the first year who's feet are a few centimeters too far.

"Inuoka san, please bring your feet closer together, they should only be shoulder with apart." With that you skate off to find some skating aids, the way this team was wobbling around they'd need it.

Ice Skates & Volleyball | Haikyuu x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now