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"He cheated on me. Lex, can you believe it? He actually cheated" my, twin, brothers girlfriend, Cami, came running into my room. I had always been close with her since they had gotten together, "I thought they was just rumours" I said sitting up shocked as I watched tears stream down her face, I opened my arms offering a hug as she climbed into my bed and hugged me back. I had always liked her but never done anything about it for obvious reasons, but I shouldn't do anything right? I mean she just broke up with my brother. It would be wrong. I leaned back and held her in my arms putting on her favourite show, friends. "Have you ever seen this?" She asked lifting her head to see me as I shook my head, seconds later she stole the remote and went to season one, episode one, "well we're going to watch it together then, although I've already seen all of it like 5 times" she laughed a little and I smiled, "ok but only for you" she put her head back on my chest as I started to play with her hair without thinking. "She's pretty" I said pointing at the blonde on the screen, "Lex you just find every girl pretty at this point" she has a point, I did, "that's only because girls are very attractive" i replied as I kept watching the show before quickly saying "oh so is she" pointing to the black haired girl, "ok ok, so that's Phoebe and Monica, just wait till you see Rachel" Cami said letting her hand slip to the side of my thigh, "I'm guessing she's pretty then" I said still playing with her hair and smiling a little as I felt her nod "there she is" she added pointing to Rachel Green, "yeah she is" I said looking at the girl in my arms, "but not as pretty as you" I added. Crap. That wasn't meant to come out. She looked at me fast and held eye contact for about 5 seconds "she's overrated tho in my opinion" she said referring to the tv show, "no b, she's really pretty" I said still holding eye contact, she just shook her head and laughed at me, "why are you laughing at me? I'm not that funny jeez" I said with a little laugh "you're an idiot, Lexie" she said. A smile spread across her lips. It was perfect. I quickly pushed her up off me and acted offended "no I'm not" I was a horrible actor, I started laughing but kept trying to act serious "you are" "am not" "yes" "no" "yes" "no" "fight me" "bet" next thing I know she started hitting me in the stomach and hitting my thighs. I started tickling her, of course she started fighting back so i straddled her and put my knees over arms as I tickled her more.

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