The Bet Part 1

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"Charles, this is exciting. A medal of valor" you said.

You and the rest of the squad, including Holt and Gina were waiting for Charles to get his medal of valor.

"I know" said Charles excitedly.

"For getting shot in the butt" Jake said, smiling.

"For exceptional acts of heroism or voluntary risk of personal safety" corrected Charles. "But, you know, six for one."

"This is one of the NYPD's highest honors. Today is your day, Detective Boyle" said Holt.

Later, everyone was sat down and listening to Gerber speak.

"Heroism can't be measured by a piece of metal. But what else can we do to recognize the brave officers that have put their lives on the line? It is my great honor to present the medal of valor to Detective Charles Boyle" Gerber said, and Charles walked out using a walking stick and everyone applauded.

"And Sergeant Peanut Butter" said Gerber, and everyone started to applaud louder as Peanut Butter, a police horse, was lead onto the stage.

"Oh, my God. Charles is getting the same medal as a horse" said Jake, laughing slightly.

"At least Boyle was announced first" Holt whispered.

"Because the horse outranks him" you said.

"This is amazing" said Jake.

"That's enough, Peralta" Holt said as Charles' medal was placed around Charles' neck. "This is a huge honor and nothing can take that away from him."

"The horse is pooping on the stage. Sergeant Peanut Butter is pooping on the stage" Jake said.

You were sat at your desk in the bullpen when Jake and Amy walked up to each other, next to your desk

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You were sat at your desk in the bullpen when Jake and Amy walked up to each other, next to your desk.

"Peralta" said Amy.

"Santiago. The bet ends today. Are you ready?" asked Jake.

"I was born ready" answered Amy.

"To lose? The whole question was, 'Are you ready to lose?', and you said you were born that way" said Jake, causing you to laugh. Jake heard, and smiled at you.

"Twist my words all you want. I'm winning this bet" Amy said.

"What bet? What are you guys talking about?" Hitchcock asked cluelessly.

"Seriously? The bet?" you said, confused.

"They've been keeping score all year. It comes up all the time. What are you doing all day?" said Terry.

Nothing" Hitchcock said. "Why, you wanna hang out?"

"A year ago today, Peralta and I made a bet to prove who's a better detective. Whoever makes more felony arrests, wins" Amy explained.

"What are the stakes? And don't say money, I know you don't have any?" Amy asked Jake as everyone laughed.

"If you really knew anything about me, you would have said 'crushing debt', and I'll bet whatever, 'cause there's no way I'm losing" Jake replied.

"What about your car?" you asked.

"That thing is a date magnet. I mean, how many girls have you made out with in that car? Six?" Charles asked Jake.

"Well, I'm gonna win, so sure. Let's bet the car" Jake said confidently.

"Yes" said Amy happily.

"No, Jakey, no! That car is your superpower. Thor would never wager his hammer. Neil Patrick Harris would never wager his showmanship. Losing that car will be the worst thing in the world for you' protested Charles.

"Well, what's the worst thing in the world for you, Santiago?" Gina asked.

"Being one of those girls in Jake's car" answered Amy.

"Okay, okay, okay. Then it is settled. If Peralta loses, Santiago gets his car. If Santiago loses, she goes for a date in said car" Terry said.

"Game on" said Jake, and him and Amy shook hands. "Wow, your handshake is quite firm."

"I took a seminar" Amy said.

"You can take seminars in that stuff?" you asked.

"And now the score is all tied up" said Amy, walking past Jake.

"But not for long. For in eight hours, I will win the bet and take Santiago on the worst date in the history of the world" Jake said as him and Amy sat down at their desks.

"Attention. After today's shift, I'd like everyone to join me at the bar for drinks in honor of Detective Boyle and his medal of valor" said Holt.

"Oh, my God, is Peanut Butter gonna be there?" Gina asked loudly, and everyone looked at her. "That horse is a damn hero."

"Peanut Butter will not be joining us" said Charles.

"He's being feted by the United Nations" announced Holt. "As you were."

You watched as Jake and Amy glared at each other, and then started to run towards Holt's office, pushing each other out of the way.


Eight hours later, Amy ran into the bullpen holding a perp. Breathing heavily, she said "Ladies and gentlemen, I present Carl Laudson, who stole $3,000. Santiago takes the lead with one minute left. Suck it, Peralta."

"Oh no" Jake said.

"That's right, 'Oh, no.' Oh, no. You don't seem worried. Why aren't you worried?" asked Amy nervously.

"Bring in the Johns" called Jake loudly.

A large group of people were now walking through the bullpen.

Jake stood up. "I ran a prostitution sting through vice and arrested thirty guys for soliciting."

"That's not a felony" Amy said desperately.

"It is if it's been done twice. Which is the case for ten of these gentlemen" said Jake.

"Fun fact: Four of them are actually named John" you said.

"Ironic. Anyhoo, ten more for Peralta. Accept your fate" Jake said, rolling his sleeves up.

"Never. No" Amy said in horror.

"Five, four, three, two, one. Jake wins, Amy loses" announced Jake.

Jake started to play some music. Hitchcock made confetti fall from the ceiling. Jake flipped the whiteboard to show the back: Jake wins, as everyone else in the bullpen, including you, began to celebrate.

Jake danced towards Amy, holding a ring. "Amy Santiago, you have made me the happiest man on Earth. I spent $1 on this ring. Will you go on the worst date ever with me? You have to say yes."

"Yes" Amy said.

"She said yes!" Jake shouted to the bullpen, and everyone was cheering and clapping. "She said yes! This is for you."

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