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Winter breeze slowly passed through the tree branches and made some dry brown leaves fall on the green velvety grass. The early morning's sunray has created the atmosphere peacefully warm. Two men around their late fifties were sitting in a big garden beside a huge mansion. One of them was reading some papers carefully while another one was sipping his hot green tea.

"So...how is the report....I can join the wedding or not" asked the man after kept his cup on the coffee table in front.

"Well....it's totally depends on you" the another man replied and put the reports on the table.

The other man frowned his eyebrows to his not soo satisfied answer and took another sip of not soo tasty green.

"If you continue healthy lifestyle, and make an oath that you will not take a single drop of alcohol or any provoking food.....then
you are free to go anywhere " the another man added without even give a glance to the man sitting in front of him.

"Look......Min I have not been attending any social functions, avoiding all kinds of alcohol,eating tastlees foods and drinking this stupid green tea for almost 6 months and now you want me to continue all these bullishts. You know what,you know nothing, I'll hire some better doctors and they'll let me do whatever I want" he said with full of irritation.

These words didn't create any emotion on the another man's face. He took a sip of his warm coffee.
"Well surely you can...... but if any of them allowed you to drink a single drop of alcohol I'll make my whole hospital in your name" Dr.Min said calmly.

"In that case I don't need anyone....I am Kim Dong Hyung the owner of Kim Entertainment and I am enough for myself " Dong Hyung shouted and stood up from his chair.

"Then I'll not give you the permission to go anywhere " Dr. Min declared.

"Who the hell are you to stop me" Dong Hyung shouted again.

"Fortunately your doctor and unfortunately your bestfriend " this time Dr. Min looked at him.

"How was the report uncle? Is he able to come with us to Busan?" A young boy came and asked.

"Right now everything is fine but you have to make sure that he'll not touch alcohol, son" replied Dr. Min.

"Don't ask him Jin he knows nothing" Dong Hyung said in irritation.

"Mr. Kim Dong Hyung.... I run one of the biggest hospital in Seoul and I myself a well known doctor as well, now you will teach me doctary" Dr. Min shouted.

"Both of you stop it! You are fighting like kids....and dad Joonie is not coming with us and I didn't bother your younger son...you know that this kind of ceremony doesn't match with his standard so......it just me, mom and you...." Jin said with a sad face.

"Oh don't worry dear we"ll enjoy without them" Dong Hyung assured.

" yes dad.......for sure....ok uncle I have to go now....bye....have a good day" he bowed and left.

"You know Kim you got the sweetest son in law ever".

"He is not my son in law Min he is my own son".......

Kim family has arrived at Busan and Byun family welcomed all of them with warm heart. Jin got extremely happy to meet his uncle,aunty and gorgeous cousin Baekhyun.

"Come on Baekhyun leave the mirror you look incredibly beautiful I swear" Jin complimented.

"No no no Jini its it's my wedding...I have to look the best otherwise Chanyeol will look better than me" said Baekhyun and picked the make up brush again.

"Stop it you ediot, you already have done....now let's go, it's time" Jin shouted.

"Do you Park Chanyeol take this man to be your wedded husband"....

"I do"....

"Do you Byun Baekhyun take this man to be your wedded husband"......

"I do".....

Everyone cheered and congratulated the newly wedded cauple.

It's been two days since the wedding had done, Chanyeol and Baekhyun had gone to Germany. But Kim family was still there in Busan as Dong Hyun was still enjoying Busan's nature. Jin and Mrs. Kim didn't protest as they knew nature is good for his health but what they didn't know is Dong Hyung has been drinking his favorite wine for last three days behind their eyes.

"This place is amazing Mr. Byun you did a great job by arranging a picnic here" Dong Hyung said excitedly.
I"ll stay here at least for two days then......

He stopped by his own wife..... "then we will be back in Seoul"Mrs. Kim said.

"Surely you can go sweetheart but i will stay in Busan this week" Dong Hyung replied happily.

"Mr. Kim Dong Hyung do you forget, your sons are coming back this weekend from London" Mrs. Kim said angrily.

"Oh! Well I'll think about it later but right now let me enjoy some fishing here,come on Mr. Byun let's go" he hold some fishing rod and ran toward the lake.

It was almost evening, everyone was sitting around the campfire and drinking coffee.nMrs. Byun was preparing some barbeques for snacks and Jin was helping her. While Dong Hyung was sharing his priceless knowledge(according to him)about fishing with Mr. Byun.

"Mrs Byun you told us you have an another son, but where is he? We didn't even meet him, didn't he attend the wedding? Mrs. Kim asked Mrs. Byun.

"Oh no no he was there but for ten minutes only, that's why I didn't get a chance to introduce him with you, actually he is kind of busy this days, but don't worry he promised me he'll join us tonight" Mrs. Byun replied happily.

They were busy in talking suddenly Dong Hyung felt some breathlessness, His face covered with sweat instantly, he dropped the cup and clenched his chest. Everyone ran towards him with panic and started shouting as they didn't understand what to do.

Suddenly a boy came there hurriedly and checked Dong Hyung.

"We have to take him to the hospital hurry!" He said to Mr. Byun who ran towards his car instantly.
"Don't worry uncle nothing will happen just try to breathe ok!" he caressed Dong Hyung's face politely....

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