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Throat went dry.... head was feeling like a mountain...eyes were hurting... he rubbed his temple with finger. Leaving unpleasant sound tried to check the time........12:35pm.

'Why noone awake him up....Jungkook'

With that name yesterday's talks hit him...

Ralph: where is your Jungkook Tae? Is he coming or wasting our time?

Kris: hmmm....see our patience at.... I think.....not taking us seriously...

Hazel : what he think of us....like he is more famous.......we all are waiting still just cause we care of your reputation... but does he?

Wooik: he even didn't reply

Sharon: leave ourselves...he didn't care about Tae's promise...and he loves Tae....

Seojoon : please guys... it's must be an important thing......

Kyle: have dinner Tae....

He looked at the room...couldn't get to his target. A gathering of feeling
...sadness...anger rushed in him. He went downstair with a truck of question... his unwell mind getting worse. He about to call the name...he like the most...a feeling of untamed ego misguided.

"COFFEE...." he shouted.

"Here...." Mrs Wang offered with shakey hand.

Another hit...... 'where is he...didn't even bother to serve me....or wait...he went to hospital again....after that incident....he dare to go without meeting me......' His mind was about to explode.

"....w...what will have in breakfast....?"

"You will make breakfast today? Why didn't he?" He stared at her.

"....he...didn't b....ack home....ho..hoow"

"He did not return!!!" He got up.

She shook her head and within a second glass mug hit the floor and coffee and pieces of glass shuttered on black marble. Never in thought she imagined her master will do that. He went upstairs...eyes red...face blank.

"He never.....did that....this much anger" Patrick was worried.

"He is hungry and....this" Mrs Wang looked at door.

"Let...him like that for some time....he will...."

"No Patrick....I'm worried of Jungkook... what will happen to him?"

"What should we do Mrs Wang?"

"....we should call someone....Kim family?"

"No no no....they will worry and he will be mad....we need to call someone else"

"Let's have a drink sweety...your brother did it....cheers!"

"Then I should meet him?"

"Wait....he will be more destroyed then put some ointment...hahaha"

He walked towards the room with exhausted stepping. Last 12 hours was in a war...the most difficult one. Water food sleep weren't allowed to come near him. He was hurt...at all points.
He opened door to music room. A scary darkness made him shivered. With the hazy light of fading sunrays behind curtain discovered him at balcony. Learning in railing.


That word vanished somewhere at darkness getting neglected. The amount of hope and positive energy he brought was decreased. He tried again.

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