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A beautiful gorgeous guy standing in front of mirror. He was looking unreal
......an art of some famous artist...... an angel of tales......

Looked at the mirror with blank eyes. If that mirror could...would definitely tell
......'eyes are shiny...not happy'

'I don't know myself......it's not me!' He gulped.

Everyone in that unit complimented him...avoiding eyes those are unhappy . He is scared nervous alone. He breathed deeply remembering last one hour.

'Why you standing dr. Kim have chair' one of attendant told.

He was about to go a hairstands cover his eyes. He tried to adjust but...

'No don't touch your hair' another one warned.

He took the glass of water then...

'Your lip tint will be damaged drink less water'

'Where have I come?' He whispered. Wanted to run and hide behind his bear.

"Dr. Kim come. Shot is ready" a staff informed.

He wanted to run. Run towards that......
It's his irritating ego or rage could not allow him. He knows he purposely ignoring him...he knows it's wrong still cn't control him. He is having a strom in.

"I need to call him it's his start day of shooting...... he will be worried" Tae took out phone.

"There are thousands of people at his services please don't you know...he will manage. After a long we are going to watch buckeall match..." he putted down the phone

"I'm really not in mood gummy. My promotion and other technical staff. I came just to keep your promise"

"I know you are not at peace. That's the reason I'm taking you... I care for you friend"

"Thanks for understanding....I will be fine"

'I don't let you' he smirked.

He was tired......drained......empty......lost
With every second he was realizing this is not his cup of tea...so much shine soo much artificial. He was feeling scared suffocated. Endured it to one's reputation. Shooting has done for today
...the only positive thing. He is in his normal attire normal self... was going to home. Closing eyes he started to think of....him. Everything would easy if he was here to....Phone rang making him excited.

"Oh....hi Jimin hyung" his excitement dropped a lil.

"How was it....?" Jimin munched something.

" Now I can understand hyung... how difficulties you guys do....hectic this is"

"You are new thats why...don't worry it be habitual"

"......I.... don't want. Just two more days then..."

"Then we will see a new model"

"Who does not know how to stand with camera properly. I'm happy to be a doctor....You know uncle Min gave me holidays and Namjoon hy also invited me to premier..."

"Exited? More than us... good Taehyung will be happy to see you"

" Hyung how is he? Is he overworking?"

"Don't need worry he is OK. Went to watch match...ok take care...see you at event"

"You remember...call....it's enough to me"

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