Let's not attack the one with the scary supernatural powers, yeah?"

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By the time you get back to your house, you are beyond tired and all you want to do is crawl into your bed and hide from the world. You're thankful you got to ride shotgun, sitting in the middle of Wanda and Pietro for a 20-minute car journey was not something you really wanted to do.

Your dad parks up and switches off the car.

"Right, Lila can you grab Minky's toys?"


"Pietro, could you get the food?" Your dad asks.

"I suppose."

"I'll get the cage...Wanda, you and Y/N can just get whatever is left, okay?"

You internally groan but smile and nod, unbuckling your seatbelt.

At the trunk of the car, your dad hands you some items and as you set off walking, something with a bell begins to jingle.

"Yeah, cuz that isn't not going to get annoying, is it?" you mutter as you jog up the stairs and open the front door.

As you walk inside, you're hit with the smell of pancakes and your stomach instantly begins to groan with hunger. If you had known how long you were going to be at the pet store, you would have eaten breakfast. As you walk towards the kitchen, you hear footsteps behind you but before you can look back, Pietro barges past you and deliberately knocks into you, which causes you to drop some of the things in your arms. He laughs mockingly before running ahead into the kitchen. You thank God you were glaring at him because the second Pietro was in the kitchen, he skids on something on the floor and falls, head smacking loudly on a cupboard. Cooper begins to laugh and you can't help but laugh a little too. The arrogant ass had it coming.

Wanda – who you hadn't even noticed come into your house – was quick at his side. She helps him up as you walk into the kitchen too, and when he goes to lunge at Cooper, Wanda doesn't let him and effortlessly holds him back. You deposit the items on a clear bit of the counter and wipe some flour off your brother's face. He sticks his tongue out at you.

"I have egg all up my back!" Pietro whines.

"Go and get cleaned up, then." Wanda replies.

Maria and Natasha come down the stairs and as one, they smile at you.

"You guys took your time," Natasha says as she walks up to Cooper to help clean him off.

You walk back past the twins as Wanda pushes her brother towards the stairs and you see him pick up some flour with his fingers but you're too slow to act. It hits you directly on the nose and you see red. Fist clenching at your side, you're about to hit him when Maria stops you.

"Okaaay, let's not attack the one with the scary supernatural powers, yeah?" Maria sings as she grips you around the waist. You only just notice it was Wanda you would have hit if you followed through. Where had Pietro gone?

As you look back at Maria, she looks slightly worried. "I wasn't supposed to tell you that."

It's bullshit and you know it. Maria doesn't just accidently drop important information like that. She's told you so you know.

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