Guess we're even now

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Turns out, you fell asleep quite easily when you climbed back into your extremely comfortable bed (has your bed always been that comfy?) and were able to get another whole four hours in until your sister barrels into your room like a mini whirlwind and belly flops on top of you.

"Ugh! Lila get off!"

"Dad's back! Dad's back! Dad's back!" She says excitedly as she jumps on top of you.

"Lila! Stop." You sit up suddenly and shove her back a little too hard, accidentally pushing her off your bed and onto the wooden floor. She lands with a solid thump and glares up at you, tears threatening to fall from her eyes. "Don't you dare! Don't you dare cry, you know it was an accident."

Your sister blinks; tears beginning to roll down her cheeks and you know it's only a matter of seconds until she starts screaming bloody murder and your parents come running in. To avoid a headache, you quickly lift your quilt and Lila nearly throws herself into bed with you. She nestles up to you and you peck her head. Some things just don't change.

"You okay?" you ask. "Didn't hurt your bum did you?"


"Good. I wouldn't want to kiss your smelly bottom better."

Lila giggles.

"It isn't smelly!"

"I beg to differ," you sniff loudly. "I can smell it from here!"

She giggles louder and pokes your nose.

"Happy dad's back?" You ask.

"Yeah!" she screams into your ear.

"Lila," you groan, entirely too sleepy for her early morning giddiness. "Inside voice."

She smiles at you and as your eyes droop off, pokes your shoulder.

"Auntie Nat is making coffee if you want some."

You smile sleepily and nestle further into your pillow, cheek resting on top of Lila's head.

"I will. But for now, I'm too comfortable to move."

Lila giggles and tries to get out of the bed but you keep a firm grip on her wriggling form and when she begins to laugh, you start to tickle her.

"No!" she giggles, "Y/N! Stop!"

You do and Lila wriggles free and stands up, breathing heavily. She hiccups.

"Go and tell Auntie Nat to save me a cup will you? I'll be down soon."

"Okay!" She runs from your room and leaves the bedroom door open, knowing it will definitely get you up. You can hear her hiccups as she quickly makes her way downstairs. Stretching, you yawn loudly and sit up again. The house is quite cold this morning, so, wrapping your fluffy blanket around your shoulders, you get up, grab your towel and pad out of your room.

"Morning!" you yell on the landing.

"Morning!" a chorus of voices calls back, a happy wail merging in along with it. You reach the bathroom with a smile and, twisting the knob, you collide hard with the door. You try again but it's locked and, putting your ear to the wood, you can hear the shower running and someone singing horribly. You slam your fist on the door, assuming it to be your dad.

"The bathroom is occupied right now." A male voice replies back with an obscure accent and you instantly know who it is.

The older Maximoff.

Growling, you stomp downstairs and throw yourself onto the armchair facing Maria, Natasha, your mom, and Nathaniel. You can hear Lila in the kitchen with your dad, presumably helping him to make breakfast. Cooper is nowhere to be seen. They all look at you and you look back at them, slightly irritated.


"Are you okay?" Your mom asks.

You nod and nestle further into the armchair, tucking your legs under yourself. She continues to look at you with an amused expression.

"What?" you ask again, getting a little annoyed. Now it's Natasha's turn to join in.

"Did someone wake up on the wrong side of the bed?"

"You know what, Romanoff?"


But before you can answer and wipe that cocky side smirk off her face, Lila comes slowly walking into the room, carrying a steaming mug of coffee in her hands. Her tongue pokes out between her lips as she concentrates on not spilling it over herself and as she gets closer, you help her.

"Thank you, Li."

"Dad thought you would need this." She says. "He knows how grumpy you are in the morning."

"Thanks, dad!" You shout loud enough for him to hear. You can hear him laugh a little as Lila sprints back into the kitchen. You can just hear her say, "Moody bum." To your dad and, rolling your eyes, you happily take a sip of the coffee.

Maria and Natasha go back to quietly conversing while your mom watches Nathaniel play on the floor. He nervously struggles to his feet (with the aid of the table side and your mom's hand) and looks at you. Holding out the toy car in his pudgy little hand, you place your coffee down on the floor and lean over to take it from him; and, as he watches happily, you begin to roll it over the tabletop whilst making funny car noises which elicit small giggles from your younger brother. When the car rolls near enough for Nathaniel to reach, he snatches it and begins to run it along with your mom's leg.

You go back to sipping your coffee and nestle back into the armchair, eyes lulling shut. It's peaceful and for once, your brother isn't having a screaming contest with himself. The only downside to this amazingly laid back morning, are the Twins.

On the hallway, you hear the bathroom door open and then a slightly shy voice calling:

"The bathroom is free now."

Your eyes open.

"He better not have used all the hot water." You say as you stand up, half drunk coffee in hand.

"There are other bathrooms." Your mom replies.

"Yeah, yours and the guests. Gonna take a guess that the other twin is in their shower."

Natasha nods.

"Sounds like someone needs another coffee," Maria says.

"And a shower." You mutter under your breath as you make your way back up the stairs. You go into your room, dump the blanket on the bed and put your coffee mug on the side table before hastily exiting and running straight into a damp body. You both make eye contact and immediately your face goes red and you avert your eyes.

"Oh my God, I am so sorry!"

Wanda's face is just as red as yours is.

"I wasn't looking where I was going," she stammers. "I'm sorry..."

You smile awkwardly at her before running off and skidding into the bathroom.

Locking the door behind you, you start the shower and the second it's warm enough, you strip out of your Pyjamas and hop in.

Unfortunately, the water goes cold half way through washing your hair and you very nearly dive out of the shower it was that sudden. Resisting the temptation to drop kick Pietro out of your house, you pluck up enough courage to finish your shower in freezing cold water. The second you finish; you grab your towel and wrap it around your freezing body. You squeeze the excess water from your hair, grab your clothes and leave the bathroom. You're too busy trying to stop your towel from falling down that you don't notice Wanda with her nose in a book and you collide. Again.

"Sorry," you mumble.

"Guess we're even now." She says with a small wink before closing her book and heading downstairs. You can't help but smile as you go into your room.

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