Pet Store

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"Where are the rat cages kept in this place?" Your dad asks as you walk endlessly through aisle after boring aisle in the pet store. You instantly lost interest and began to happily tap away on your phone, currently talking on a group chat on Facebook while your sister walks behind you; just a little in front of Pietro and Wanda, who were practically forced from the house by both Natasha and Laura.

"I don't know." You reply simply.

"They've got to be around here's a pet store...!"

Your dad heads off down another aisle and you reluctantly follow, wondering if it's too late to make a run for the car. Lila begins to hum that annoying tune behind you and loudly drag her fingertips over the cat toys, jingling the bells and pressing the "press me" buttons. You exhale loudly but keep quiet. Making a scene in a public space with your sister is not something you really want to do.

You hear Pietro sigh in boredom and it causes you to look up, just at the right time to avoid walking into the back of your dad.


"Seriously, how difficult can it be –"

"BUNNIES!" Lila suddenly shouts before she charges down the aisle. You're about to go after her but Wanda and Pietro beat you to it.

"We will watch her," Pietro says as he passes you and your dad, "don't worry." You go to reply but he's already gone.

"You're okay with this?"

Your dad shrugs and sets off down another aisle.

"Lila'll keep em in check."

You can't help but scoff and walk past him, not even bothering to check the shelves for cages. Reaching the end, you look to your left and point.

"Dad, they're right here!"

Two minutes later and you and your dad face shelf after shelf of different sized cages and, looking at one another, you both know you're going to be here for some time.

Almost 50 minutes later and you and your dad now stand at the checkout desk, a rat cage taking up most of the countertop, while feed and numerous amounts of things for inside Minky's new home clutter around it. Your hair, which was hanging freely around your shoulders, is now up in a messy bun, the Facebook chat on your phone long forgotten as you nervously look around the store, hoping to see your sister.

Your dad accidentally nudges your shoulder as he gets his wallet from his pocket.

"How much?"

The cashier smiles weakly at him.

"Wow...who'd have thought a rat would cost so much money?" you say and your dad sends you a glare.


You both turn in sync and see Lila charging over to you both, a huge smile plastered on her face.

"You will never guess what Pietro showed me!"

You mentally slap yourself.

She throws herself onto you and you scoop her into your arms, lifting her onto your hip.

"What did he show you?" you ask.

"A poisonous frog! He pointed into its house and saw it in the corner!"

You and your dad both stare at Pietro.

"For God sake, kid." Your dad groans as Lila giddily wriggles in your arms. Your dad takes his credit card out his wallet and Lila suddenly gasps loudly in your ear. She wriggles harder and you have no choice but to put her back down; the second her feet touch the floor, she's off again, going straight for a puppy. This time, it's your dad who chases after her.

"Lila, how many times have I told you not to chase people's dogs?!"

"Erm," the cashier awkwardly states. You quickly go and put in your dads pin number and remove his card. "I'll go get you a bag."

You silently plead for the cashier not to leave but she does and the atmosphere around you and the Twins instantly grows awkward.

You tap your fingers on the tabletop and keep your eyes peeled for the cashiers return.

"So..." Wanda says, "are you happy about getting a new pet?"

Oh God, she's trying to make small talk!

"You might be getting a frog now, as well." Pietro says.

"Listen," you snap, turning to face them. You check to make sure no one is listening before you carry on, eyes landing on Wanda, "my dad likes to keep his work life as distant to his family life as much as he can, with a few exceptions obviously, but I heard you did something...something awful and managed to scare all of them, even my Auntie Nat, which isn't something many people can do...I swear to God, if you or your brother attempt to do anything like that again, to anyone in my family, I will fucking kill you myself."

Pietro is instantly in front of you, blocking your vision of his sister.

"If you threaten my sister again, I will personally buy that poisonous frog and put it in your bed one night when you are sleeping."

"Bullshit, it wasn't a poisonous frog." You reply, head tilted upwards to meet his firm glare.

"Could you tell the difference?" he asks.

You shake your head.

"I am not really sure you want to take that chance, kid."

And then he's gone, standing back at his sister's side as your dad nears you with Lila on his back.

You had almost forgotten you were in a public space.

She hops down and automatically takes your hand, pulling out of your head, just as the cashier promptly returns with a bag. You hand your dad his credit card and quickly say,

"I'm going to show her the fish."

Your dad very nearly doesn't hear you but you don't even wait for a reply, you drag your sister away as tears stinging your eyes.

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