Clueless Father

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Oh God, you really, really, want Wanda to kiss you. Have her lips always been this inviting? You lick your own nervously and come to the sudden realization that they're dry. You internally groan.

When was the last time I put chapstick on? Did you actually own one? You were sure you did, your mom made sure to buy you and Lila a couple when you both caught a bug off each other. She even got flavours that you like to ensure you both use them. Where did I put it?

You're seconds away from having Wanda kiss you and you're worrying about where you chapstick is. The word smooth doesn't even come close. You gulp nervously when you realise that Wanda is leaning in - she's closing the gap, she wants to kiss you!

Shit. Do I lean in? Meet her halfway? Does my breath smell -

You gasp when you feel something exceptionally cold splashes over your lap and pulling back to look down, you see your drink has split everywhere.

Way to ruin the moment, genius.

"Oh my Mom is gonna kill me!"

Your mom doesn't kill you when she sees the state of the car - although the death like glare that she shoots at you very nearly does it - but she does make you clean it all up. It's a momentous task on its own, the caramel topping has managed to get everywhere, including some very stupid and awkward places: Nathaniel's car seat is one of them. How it got there, is beyond you. You're half an hour in and the finish line is nowhere in sight.

You stop for a breather, wiping the back of your hand over your forehead which is coated in sweat. Even in shorts and a tank top, you were still too warm. Your eyes shift to your parent's bedroom window and see the curtain shift a little.

You don't give it much thought, especially when someone wolf whistles behind you, drawing your attention away.

You sigh when you spot Pietro walking around the car.

"I know you are clumsy, Y/N, but this just tops it off." Pietro laughs. You roll your eyes, ignoring him. He leans against the car while you get back to work and he's quiet for a moment, watching you scrub away until he finally speaks up again.

"Wanda and Y/N kissing in the car..." he sings.

"Oh shut up." You snap. "That isn't what happened you idiot."

"Yeah, okay, whatever you say." You launch the cloth at him. "I wonder what Barton will say when he finds out you're dating one of his team mates."

And then it dawns on you. You like one your dad's team mates. A female member at that. Holy crap. You never really thought about it before, the whole confusing prospect of possibly being...well a lesbian. Wasn't there supposed to be a big revelation after months, maybe even years, of trying to figure it out? Don't people lose loved ones when they tell people that they're gay?

You visibly pale, stomach churning.

For the rest of the day, you successfully avoid Wanda and keep to yourself. You actually feel stupid. How had you never clicked that you, well, fancy Wanda Maximoff? She is quite obviously female.

You're sitting with Lila on your lap in the front room, Frozen playing on the T.V. for what feels like the 100th time. But you're too lost in your own thoughts to even hear it.

Your friends have all told you about their crushes - how they got butterflies in their stomachs, they couldn't eat or sleep. How, even though if they were standing in an incredibly crowded room, when their eyes met, they would feel like the only two there.

And it's exactly how you feel with Wanda.

You shoot her a quick glance but she's too busy braiding Natasha's hair to see you so you quickly go back to looking at the T.V.

Maybe the Internet would help. After all, if your friends could search 'How long to boil an egg for' then you could do some research on your feelings. Shifting Lila a little, who complains because it's her favourite scene - she says that a lot - you manage to get your phone from your pocket. Only when you're sure Lila isn't going to watch you type, you open in Internet and pause. Staring at your phone screen, your thumbs hovering over the keyboard as Google waits patiently for you to submit your question, you suddenly can't think. You don't know what to ask.

"All done," Wanda says, pulling you from your thoughts. You look over again and see Natasha thanking her before clambering onto the sofa to nestle next to Maria. "Who wants to go next? Y/N?"

Your eyes snap to her and you open your mouth to speak but you've forgotten how. You settle for shaking your head. Wanda smirks a little.

"Lila, want me to braid your hair?"

Without taking her eyes from the screen, your little sister climbs off your lap and settles on Wanda's. It's a special talent she has.

Your eyes fall back to Maria and Natasha, watching them as they settle into one another and then you click. You know exactly who you can speak too.

Annoyingly however, you just can't seem to get alone with them. You can't get them away from the film without drawing attention to yourself and the second it's over, your mom calls you all into the kitchen for dinner. And that lasts a while. The adults love to chat.

It's when the kids have gone to bed and everyone is in the front room, do you see your chance. The pair meander into the kitchen for refills and mumbling that you need one too, you're quick to follow.

They're both stood near the sink when you walk in. And you blurt it out.

"I saw you two the other day."


They look at you, momentarily surprised. Maria recovers first.


You walk further into the room to make sure the others don't overhear.

"When you were in Nathaniel's playroom." You say, "I saw you kissing."

"Who have you told?" Natasha asks.

"Told? No one."

They both relax at that.

"Can we ask you to keep...what you saw, a secret, Y/N?" Maria says, "please? We aren't even sure what this is yet."

You automatically understand. They're both high profile people, a mundane relationship isn't going to be easy. Maybe they aren't the best people to talk too...if they're confused about their feelings then they won't be much help.

"Sure." You turn to leave but your mouth speaks before you can stop it. "How did you know?"

"Know what?" Natasha asks.

You face them.

"That're...that you like women?"

You cringe.

Natasha shrugs. "Well, I've always been open with my sexuality."

"I'm not sure..." Maria tells you. "I've had a fair share of boyfriends but when Romanoff came barreling into my life, there was just something about her that I couldn't get enough of."

You nod.

"Why?" Natasha asks.

"No reason." You smile half heartedly. "I was just curious is all."

They know you're lying, they've been trained to spot liars miles off and you can feel yourself blushing.

"How is my dad with the whole, gay thing?" You quickly say. You really couldn't get any more obvious.

They both shrug this time.

"He doesn't even know we like each other." Says Maria. Your heart sinks.


Over the next couple of days, you're pretty determined to see how your dad reacts to the gay thing. When you deliberately leave shows on that feature a female couple, your dad is too invested in the newspaper. When you tell him you want to try out for softball, he encourages you to do so without a second thought. At least he encourages you to try new things. Kissing Wanda technically falls under the same category...

When you start to wear more flannel shirts around the house, Clint, annoyingly, is clueless.

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