Chapter 13

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"You ready?" Tucker came into Chase and I's room. Currently, I was sat on the floor with my legs on a straddle. A stack of clothes sat in between my legs along with a suitcase. I looked up to see him standing in the doorway.

"No." I groaned, leaning back against the box behind me.

"Come on! You'll be fine!" He chuckled at my distraught state. I however was not amused. I was absolutely freaking out.

"Hey! This isn't funny! It's hard! Alex doesn't even know I'm coming!" I whined like a five year old. I basically sat there pouting. Honestly though I feel like I'm entitled to be freaking out. I have more than just Alex to worry about.

"You have me, though." Chase sing-songed walking into the room. He walked over to me, and pulled me off the boxes. But he didn't pull me into a hug. Nope, instead he pulled me out of the way, and grabbed the boxes. My jaw fell slack, shocked at his lack of sympathy.

"Thanks for the comfort." I snarked, but I smiled. Just his presence made me feel at least a little better. And I knew he didn't mean it. We'd talked about it a hindered times since I admitted everything to him. I knew he was there for me.

"What? We're on a schedule!" He walked out of the room with two boxes in his arms.

Tucker came over to me, flicking my nose. "He's just so loving!" Tucker teased me.

"Whatever." I groaned, holding my hands out for him to pick me up.

"What do I do with that?" He gave a pointed look to my hands.

"Very funny. Now help me up." I waved my hands around.

"That was pretty funny, wasn't it?" He spoke proud of himself, finally latching onto my hands and pulling me up. I turned around a zipped up my suitcase, pulling it behind me.

"Let's just get on the road." I made my way down the stairs, and into the mix of people in the crowded pack house.


"I can't do this." I said for the thousandth time in the car. I watched speed signs fly past us, as we got closer and closer to my living hell. We could at the very least slow down to prolong this. There really was no need for speeding, I don't want to get there any faster than necessary. I huffed loudly.

"We've been over this Lexi! You'll be fine! I'm here with you." Chase tried to keep his voice calm, but I knew he was starting to get frustrated. After all I was the one who agreed it would work. And it will. This is what has to happen for the pack's sake. I can deal with whatever happens. I have a family now, I'm stronger than before.

"I'm sorry." I ran my hands over my face, before resting my head against the back of the seat.

"It's fine. You don't need to feel bad! You're scared something's going to happen, or that your mate will be mad, and kick us out or-"

"God, Chase! I hadn't even thought of that!" I cried out.

"Oh." He remained silent. The silence sat between us for a few miles.

"If it comes down to that I'll leave. You stay there with the pack and I'll go." He started to argue, but I cut him off. "No. They have to stay safe!" I'd never been so stern in my life. I felt a thrill of asserting myself and my wolf was proud. I as right though. The pack was more important than just me.

"We'll talk about this later." He muttered, turning down the street that leads directly to my old home.

I can see my old pack house looming ahead. Suddenly the five months doesn't seem like long enough to have been away. I'm back to soon, all I want to do is turn and run.

You Can't Change Your Mindजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें