Chapter 6

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Lexi's POV

"We can leave if you want." Chase whispered into my ear again as my feet stayed planted into the ground. The only think keeping me upright was Chase's tight hold of me. How can he kiss her? How can he touch her like that? And in front of me? I know he saw me....

I felt like I was watching a train wreck, or a murder. You know what's happening is terrible and won't end well, but you can't manage to tear your eyes away.

"No it's okay. I can handle this." I held my head up high and wiped away some stray tears. "Let's go in." I grabbed both boys hands, and dragged them inside.

I didn't look back. I couldn't give him the satisfaction. I didn't even want him. And I know that. But the mating pull still has an effect on me, as I'm assuming it probably always will. I can't help it. I don't know what the Gods we're thinking when they paired us as mates. I just wish I could ignore the dull painful aching. "Hello can I have a strawberry banana smoothie?" I asked they boy behind the counter. He was probably around my age, with dirty blonde hair, and hazel eyes. I could tell by his scent he was just a human.

I heard the door jingle behind me. I didn't have to turn around to now it was Alex. His smell was intoxicating. "Sure, anything for you." He winked at me. I heard a light growl come from behind me that sent shivers up my spine. Alex.

They boys ordered what they wanted, Chase keeping an arm around my waist. Once we got our smoothies we turned to go find a table in the fairly packed building. As I turned my eyes accidentally made contact with Alex's. I kept my head high, and averted my gaze quickly praying he couldn't see through my facade. We walked over to a booth in the back, and plopped down.

"So how was your first day of school love?" Chase asked slipping his arm back around my waist, pulling my towards him.

"Good, except I still have like no friends. Only the guys will talk to me, and I'm pretty sure they don't want to watch chick flicks and paint nails." I grumbled. Seriously! Do I repeal the female population? I just want one best friend. Just one! Is that too much to ask?

John laughed as Chase tried not to. "It'll be fine." He soothed. I grumbled.

"Trust me hon, those boys would do anything just to be with you." John stated. I furrowed my brows confused.


The intoxicating smell suddenly smothered everything else. Little shocks went down my back. "They just want to get in your pants babe." Alex's wonderful voice lashed. My heart ripped further apart at his harsh tone.

"Oh." I dropped my head. Is that the real reason? Do they think I'm a slut?

"Go away Alex." Chase growled, standing up and puling me behind him. That caused Alex to get even angrier. His eyes shifted to black, and I grabbed Chase's shoulder tighter. I knew Alpha's had a bad temper and I didn't want to see Alex hurt him.

"Don't touch my girl." Alex growled yanking me forwards to him. He grabbed me roughly and shoved my back to his chest. He started kissing and sucking on my neck, as I tried hopelessly to pull away. Shocks were sent through my body, causing a mental turmoil within me. I don't want to enjoy this. I want to hate this. But I can't, as much as I want to, I just can't. Silent tears began to fall down my cheeks. I was grateful we were towards the back of the smoothie shop so we did not have a bunch of prying eyes.

"As far as I remember you rejected her. So. Let. Her. Go. Now." Chase commanded full alpha. Alex's lips froze on my neck, and his grip loosened a little, I took this chance to pull away and run over to John.

"You will not disrespect me." He growled to Chase. I got up and pulled on Chase's arm.

"Come on Chase let's just leave..." I suggested pleadingly. He searched my eyes for a moment before nodding. I could still see anger in his eyes, but I was grateful he listened to me.

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