Chapter 7

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Lexi's POV

"No way! I'm most definitely not sone cheerleader Barbie!" I argued with John.

"You so are! Your skinny, and blonde, and most of the most, happy. Perfect cheerleader qualities!" He counted off my so called qualities on his fingers.

"You've got to be kidding me! Me? As a cheerleader?" He can't be serious! Just because I'm blonde, does not mean I should be a cheerleader! Most of those girl are fake, and slutty. I would never fit in. Much less be good at it.

"Yes! Please! You would be so great at it! And you could make some girlfriends, to paint nails with and watch chick flicks with!" He mocked my complaining from the other day. I rolled my eyes, but he did have a point. I need more girl friends.

"How many times have you watched The Lucky One with me?" I put my hand in my hip, raising my eyebrow.

"Only a couple times!" He blushed and looked down, laughter bubbled out of me, watching the tall build powerful werewolf in front of me blush.

"Oh really? Is that so? Only a couple?" He really sucked at lying.

"I'm sorry! I just love that movie! It gets to me every time!!" He finally admitted. Leaning his back again the locker next to mine.

In all honestly, I loved that movie too, and probably would've watched it by myself if he hadn't offered to watch it with me. But that didn't mean I was going to let him live it down!

"Lexi we have to leave now!" Chase yelled at me, running from down the hallway. My joking mood dropped instantly, as he ran through the crowds of people to reach me. People are being pushed to the side, or they were swerving out of the way, as he barreled down the narrow school hallway.

"How come?" I asked frantic. You could read the worry all over his face. My heart broke for him and panic sprung inside me. I felt like a lump of caught in my throat. I threw the things in my hand back into my locker, slamming it shut.

"Hunters... They've come onto our land. We have some guys holding then back but it won't last for long. We need the whole pack... There's a lot." He whispered the last part, clearly scared. My breath caught. Hunters.

"Okay come on." I grabbed his hand, and allowed him to drag me at his rushed pace down the hall. Stopping only as he told Connor to get everyone all rounded up.

"You are staying at the house." He sternly told me in the car. Trees and buildings flew by. I've never been in a car this fast before. My wolf immediately growled at the idea of just sitting back while other people defended us.

"Why? I want to help!" I argued.

"We haven't trained you yet. You won't be any good at fighting." I had to help! The pack took me in as their own, and they expect me to stand back, and not defend them?

"I will! Please! It's the least I can do after all you've done for me!" I cried.

"Did they train you at your old pack?" They only trained certain people. We were large enough we didn't need everyone.

I dropped my head. "We'll no..." I felt so useless. So weak. I just wanted to repay the pack for all they've done for me.

"Then conversation over. I can't risk you." He turned and looked me in the eyes. His eyes danced with love, and worry. My heart skipped a beat. I quickly grabbed his face, knowing there wasn't much time. I quickly pecked him on the lips, silently praying it wouldn't be the last time.

"Be safe." I whispered letting go of him. He nodded. He then turned back to the road.

"I'll try. But I'm going to do my best for the pack." He spoke without hesitation. No fear or backing down in his voice. What hurts the most, is knowing he will. He's not going to think about himself, anyone who knows him knows that. He's going to protect his pack. Even if it kills him. I don't know where to cry, or to admire his bravery.

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