Chapter 22

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As we slid in the car I told Tucker to drive fast, and he did without even questioning me, which I appreciated to no end. I sat back begging my heart to slow down and for my breath to catch up to me. My short breaths could barley be controlled. Why? Why did this happen? I held my hand it my heart, trying to count the beats and distract myself.

"Thank you." I told him without looking at him as we came to a stop at a red light. He just silently reached over and squeezed me knee, leaving him hand resting there. The simple gesture helped to calm my frazzled being. Just feeling his warmth helped to calm me.

"You know I'm there for you." He whisper after a minute of silence pulling his hand away and following the line of cars as they took off.

"I know." I whispered back wondering why the hell these things happen to me. All I wanted to do was run to Chase and tell him what happened, I wanted him to hold me and comfort me... I just wanted my Chase back.

"Tucker?" I whispered, trying to gain strength back in my voice, I hated sounding so weak.


"Do you have Mr. Yate?" I asked him, looking at the side of his profile as he drove.

"Yes, he's my second to last period. Why?"

"What is he? He has the built of a wolf, but I can't catch his sent..." My voice sounded slightly... off. Even to my own ears. I didn't really sound curious or anything, almost blank.

"I'm not sure, I was wondering that in class today. I think he might be half wolf, half vampire... which isn't good. He didn't ask permission to be on this territory. I was going to talk to Chase as soon as we got back, but I didn't think I needed to drag you into that."

There was a long stretch of silence, left hanging in the air as I fought with my own thoughts. I had to tell him. I am stronger now. I won't fall victim to anyone again. This isn't like with Matt. I won't be quite.

"Mr. Yate touched me today like Matt used to. At the end of the day. When you were looking for me, that's where I was." I finally let the words fly out of my mouth. My breath quickened again waiting g for a reply.

I looked down at my hands in my lap as I herd a fierce growl rip through him. I flinched away at the sound of, and flew back in my seat as he shoved down on the gas harder. He's mad at me. I shouldn't have let it happen again. Why didn't I fight harder.

We flew past trees and building, driving like there's somebody chasing us. My eyes were wide with fear, and suddenly my breath was gone again. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry", I whispered over and over again.

We ripped up into the drive way, and Tucker was storming up to the front door before I was even out of the car yet.

"Tucker!" I yelled after him, chasing him into the house and up the stairs. "Where are you going?" I yelled sprinting up the stairs, struggling to keep up with his long legs.

"You don't deserve shit like this Lexi!" He yelled but, not stopping his pursuit. Pushing past a few innocent bystanders in the hall.

I followed after him as fast as I could manage, and saw that he had strode straight into Chase's room. "Tucker!" I yelled, now scared that he would do something drastic and get himself hurt.

"You fucking asshole!" He ragged, shoving Chase's shoulders making him stumble back. "You are disgusting! You drag Lexi here, back to where she fucking ran away from to then ditch her? She's not some whore Chase! She's not a bed buddy you can push away when you don't need!" With each yelled sentence Tucker shoved Chase further and further, until he was now pinned again the far wall. "You start talking to Matt? The dick that molested your girl! Your girl, man! Is your head so far up your ass that you can't see what's right in front of you? I know you're going through a lot. But did you really think she couldn't help you? She's been there too. It's not like she doesn't know you? It's not like she hasn't gone through shit too."

My blood wasn't boiling, my eyes weren't tearing up, I stood flabbergasted in complete shock that Chase's wolf hadn't tried to kill Tucker yet. I was happy of course that he was defending me, but the nauseating fear began to creep into my gut. I couldn't lose him.

"A teacher touched her today. A fucking teacher Chase... What the hell is wrong with you man. You should've been there to stop it." Tucker was starting to loose the fire in his words. He now spoke honestly, distraught and confused. "I get it man, your parents died. You feel like you have no one. But you do. She's been right here all along and you shoved her out." His last few words fell to a whisper, and his hand fell slack, not pinning Chase to the wall any longer. Chase slugged against the wall, staring silently at Tucker.

Tucker turned to walk away, but right as his back was turned, Chase reached out and punch the side of his head. I screamed, and tried to move to prevent them from fighting. But I wasn't quit fast enough and before I knew it they were both on the ground; covered in punches and blood.

How did my life come to this? It's like I was the star of some bad soap opera. I had a mate, he rejected me. I found a new man to love, and he turns his back on me. All the while my brother molested me. Everyone and everything I love is slipping away from me. What the hell is wrong with me?

I flopped down to the floor, crying harder than I've ever cried. I couldn't think straight, or breath right. I just wanted my normal life back before my parent died, before I know how awful the world is. I've always through that the world had a way of fixing it's self, but that's not happening anymore.

Curse words were flying through the air, and I could tell neither of them were going to back down.

"Please stop." My voice was so quiet, barley above a whisper, but Chase's eyes snapped up to mine. The black faded away and I was greeted by his beautiful eyes for the first time in weeks. No longer was his wolf casting a shadow over him.

"Who touched you Lexi?" He whispered, walking closer to me cautiously. I could see the veins in his arms twitching, begging to beat someone. I flinched as he reached up to my face, afraid that something would switch in him again. "Please...", he begged for an answer.

"Mr. Yate." The words had barley left my mouth before Chase was tearing down the front steps of the house.

I sprinted after him, but I couldn't match his Alpha speed.

"No Chase come back to me!" I stood in the middle of the street yelling after him, just watching him race down the road, praying he wouldn't get himself hurt.

I walked back into the house to go find Tucker. He wasn't as bad off as it had looked during the fighting, making me wonder how much of the blood on him was Chase's. "Thank you for standing up for me." I whispered walking back into the room. He didn't look up but I know he heard me. He sat in the end of the bed, and patted the spot next to him. I sat next to him and laid my head on his shoulder. A steady trail of tears ran down my face. "He'll come back. He loves you. I know it." He spoke so strongly, it makes me want to believe him. But my life is too fucked up right now for me to put all my hope in it. If I get my hopes too high I won't be able to take it if he never does.

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