5 | Swearing (II)

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Nyxis crouched against the corner, clutching a ragged branch courtesy of Eldan

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Nyxis crouched against the corner, clutching a ragged branch courtesy of Eldan. He dared a peek and found nothing but air and more brown earth. Cyrdel was sending eye messages at the opposite corner, signaling urgency.

Nyxis frowned at the brownie. How in Rudik's britches would he even understand that? He didn't speak Keijula much less Keijula eyes-version. Cyrdel grasped the air in frustration. Airese had to clamp a hand on his shoulder just to calm him down.

The plan had been simple enough and it had worked the past few days. When Marin had found them in the tunnel underneath Rabante, they had resorted to going invisible and barely stopping. They also had to always be on guard since Eldan's trees couldn't even warn them. There's something either very wrong with the plants above ground or with their pursuant, themselves.

Nyxis chose to believe the latter.

The smug smile playing on Marin's lips was enough to make Nyxis dream of black-clad Cardovic soldiers stabbing him to death every night. Not that he knew when it's night. Ever since they entered the tunnels, there's really no night nor day for them. They ate, slept, and continued through mutual consent.

Right now, Marin had chased them into their current position. Eldan informed them that they were close to Nanvera. Good. A few distance left and they'd find themselves in Aresving in no time.

That's when the trailwhisperer on his chest emitted a loud sound.

Nyxis swung the branch he had been holding and it collided with a chin by some miracle. A huge, black lump crumpled into the ground in a resounding thump. Huh. Branches could do that? Cool. Three more black-clad figures launched from their hiding place and Nyxis staggered to join Eldan and the others on the other side. A figure loomed over him and he dodged in time before a sword could pierce his arm. He called for his magic but all he got were weak spurts of warmth. He channeled his inner Anahel and cursed. Of all the times for magic to fail him.

Fighting erupted and the tunnels were too cramped for their attackers to even swing swords. It should have been to Nyxis's advantage but all he had was a branch and years of experience of running for his life.

Of course, that wasn't always enough.

Airese materialized beside Nyxis just as a masked figure chucked a small dagger at him. His heart didn't know whether to skip a beat because of the brownie or because of the fact that his eye would have been replaced with a blade mere seconds ago.

His head slammed against the earthen wall. It must have scrambled his mind because he was damn sure he couldn't see his arms.

"Answer the call," Airese growled in his ear as she dragged Nyxis forward. Together, they wove through the action. Cyrdel was locked in battle with Marin. The half-blood still had enough magic left to counter Cyrdel's ingenious gadgets. Something metallic and shiny flew out of Cyrdel's fingers, missing Marin by inches as she dodged with a graceful sidestep. The metal embedded itself on the earthen wall before exploding into a curtain of dislodged debris. Cyrdel had bought them time.

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