12 | Throne (I)

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Nyxis blinked as Cyrdel watched him take in the thing in his hands

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Nyxis blinked as Cyrdel watched him take in the thing in his hands. It might not be the safest but it's the best plan they could come up with. Cyrdel met the ice sprite's eyes and gave a curt nod. Nyxis stepped back and Cyrdel moved out of his way. The ice sprite hefted an ice cube between his fingers. Here they go. It's all or nothing.

Nyxis raised his arms and swung wide, launching the ice cube as far as he could. He held his breath as the cube containing Denara sailed through the distance between them and the camp. Cyrdel prayed to all the gods he could think of. Please work. please work.

The ice cube sailed past where the alarms should be before rolling to a stop on the dry soil. They're in and not a single alarm tripped. Cyrdel made sure of that. Before Denara warped into water, he made her pattern her water-being trail into that of a stavertine ore.

The reasoning was that stavertine ore was extremely corrosive to other metals and if the alarms contained anything metal, just the very presence of stavertine could make it malfunction. So when the ice cube sailed past the alarms, the ore disrupted the main mechanism just by hitching the corrosion through the trail probe function. All of it was theory, of course.

From their perch, Cyrdel craned his neck as far as he dared. Nyxis flexed his fingers and the ice cube around Denara melted according to plan. To anyone not knowing what was going on, it would simply look like the water was going through the natural motion of following the curve of the soil as it slid towards camp. Unless, of course, someone was smart enough to figure out that first, the plain wasn't sloping downward towards the center and second, the water wasn't anything like the ordinary ones around.

Cyrdel pursed his lips as he watched the water slide into one of the open tent flaps. A flash of magic quicker than a blink later, Nyxis reported from beside him, "She's in."

Taking advantage of the newly formed link between two bonded souls was another one of Cyrdel's ideas. "Tell Denara to find her way towards the nearest alarm," Cyrdel instructed as Nyxis ducked his head to relay the same message. "I assume she knows what she must do?"

A few seconds later, Nyxis blinked and turned to Cyrdel. "Yeah, she knows."

Relief washed over Cyrdel's tight gut. The first phase of the plan went well. The next one would be harder. Not a moment too soon, Nyxis winced as a message probably snapped into his brain. "A section of the alarm system was disabled," he said.

Cyrdel steeled his nerves and resisted the urge to draw his dagger. Denara told them it's stupid to run down a plain while holding a pointed weapon so it's not a wise thing to start doing now. Slowly, they edged out of their hiding place. They kept an eye on the air or on the trees for anything which might shoot them dead.

Nothing came. The camp loomed so close Cyrdel could almost see the ring of the camouflaged alarm system. What a tacky casing design the mechanic did on his prized prototype. Someone was going to pay for this. They reached the part where Denara had disabled the system and they simply stepped over the ring. Everything was fine as it could be.

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