26: Past 24 hours

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Ignore mistakes, please

Third person P.O.V

"It's been hours Joon! Why we can't get any news of him?!" Jin seethed in anger, catching the attention of Baekhyun who was trying to hack any of Taehyung's earpieces to listen to anything but it seemed all were placed somewhere quiet.

"That's not in our hands, Jiniee," Namjoon muttered, caressing his back gently to calm down him. It was already noon and still, they got no news of the blue-haired. On top of that, the restaurant owner didn't even complain about the chaos in the parking lot, maybe because he was threatened.

Baekhyun rubbed his temples, he couldn't even blink the whole night, trying his best to get any news of the boy. "This is so frustrating!" He groaned as Namjoon sighed. He was also very much disturbed by the situation, after all, he was the one to drag the boy into this whole mess.

"Can we do anything else?" Baekhyun suddenly said. Namjoon and Jin both shared a look before giving him a questioning look.

"Like, we can go there as Taehyung's friend? At least this way we can get any news of him?" He suggested. Though, the idea was reasonable, but they can't risk their whole plan.

Namjoon shook his head after thinking for a minute. "Taehyung already told John that none of his friends knows about that job of him, if we go there.. they can easily find out."

Those words caused Jin to sigh in sadness and Baekhyun slumped back in his chair.. the same question was in their minds. Is there really no way?


Jungkook's eyes opened to an irritating beeping sound. He groaned, getting up from the bed.? His clothes were changed to casual ones and his shoulder was dressed, and it didn't take long to know who did that.

"Taehyung!" Suddenly all the events of the night hit his brain and he whipped his head to find the certain blue-haired. His heart dropped when he saw the other, still laying on the bed... looking so peaceful yet dreadful at the same time, just like the last time, no, actually worse than that. 

In haste, he got up from his bed and walked to the other, getting hold of his hand only to feel his burning temperature once again. A sigh of disappointment and worry left his lips as he made himself comfortable on the bed edge, eyes still boring at that fragile innocent boy who was going through this all pain.

"I'm sorry." He muttered, eyes waiting for some sort of response from the other, but the silence from him and an irritating sound from the machine remains the same.

The raven-haired extended his hand to touch the face and frowned, the slight redness on his cheeks was due to his high temperature. Untangling his other hand from the other's warm one very carefully as his hand was covered with wires, he put that on the bed, and just when he was about to get up to call Han, a constant beeping sound replaced with the loud and uneven one.

Hearing the loud sounds, which clearly indicated unstable heartbeats of Taehyung, he panicked and in the next moment, Taehyung's body started jerking over the bed, making his hands go jittery as well.

"H- Han- HAN! JOHN!" Jungkook yelled, trying to calm Taehyung's body which was practically jumping.

The door burst open after a few seconds and Han with Soobin marched inside the room, quickly taking control of the pieces of equipment they needed.

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