47: Control

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Ignore mistakes please

Third person P.O.V

It didn't take long as Han was there to check up on Taehyung. John was standing near the door while Jungkook was sitting beside the still-unconscious boy.

Han sighed and put his medical box on the side.

"He seemed stressed and shocked by something. Nothing is wrong. He will be up soon, just need some good rest." John quickly walked forth to grab the box as Han handed the few medicines to John.

"If he feels nauseous or anything, do inform me." John nodded his head and Han gestured to Jungkook that he was leaving but the male stayed still.

Jungkook remained seated beside the sleeping boy for the next half an hour till he felt the other moving. "Are you awake?" He asked in a cold tone and that stern voice was enough for the other to say goodbye to the daze.

Taehyung blinked his eyes and found himself on Jungkook's bed with the owner sitting beside him with a clenched jaw and a deadly cold expression. A sense of fear ran down his body when he met with that dark aura and cold eyes.

"Y- yeah." He croaked out in a whispering tone and tried to sit up, this time Jungkook didn't even help him, causing him to feel more uncomfortable.

"Good. John will be there shortly with some juice. Have it then we will talk." With that, he got up and went to the closet and as Taehyung was following him with his eyes, he noticed the hanging knob of the door. He gulped in tension and roamed his eyes to the main door of the room to see the same condition.

Jungkook came out of the closet with Taehyung's phone and put that in his own pocket before silently leaving the room. If Taehyung was afraid before, watching that he became terrified. That face of the other wasn't a good sign and the way he was given a cold shoulder was another alarm.

Once the room was left with him only, he licked his lips and tapped over his earpiece.

"Wh- what happened?" He questioned the others and soon the answer was given how he fainted in the closet and they had to call John for help.

"He looks so angry.. did I say something or did something?" Taehyung inquired as he got up from the bed to feel the dull headache rising.

"You called Jin hyung for help in your sleep. After that, he didn't even speak anything except for what you'd heard a while ago."

Baekhyun sighed after he answered and Taehyung could feel himself getting anxious about the new discovery. "I- oh no." He mumbled out in a daze of nervousness and fear. Things were definitely not going the way he thought.

Rubbing his temples, he walked to the closet and stand there to look at the specific cabinet. Mixed emotions of anger, fear, anxiety, nervousness, and on the topmost, disappointment were swarming inside him. He just wanted to believe that it was all a lie but those papers were screaming the truth of the brutal acts. 

The door of the room creaked and Jungkook again entered the room, this time without his coat. When he saw Taehyung standing near the closet, he came forth with hasty steps and stood in front of him.

Taehyung unconsciously stepped back to only meet with the wall. The scene seemed quite familiar like the one he first time met with the raventte.

"What are you doing here?" No nickname, no baby.. no bun.. ?

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