8: Home

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Third person P.O.V

The last night he got a message from officers that they will meet him with a proper plan. The details were sent to his secret phone and now, the distressed male tapped his foot on the floor when he read the info.

"Hyung! What I just heard is true?" Jae came into the back room while pouting sadly.

"Yes, Jae ah. I am going." Taehyung sadly smiled and Jae whined at the answer.

"I will miss you a lot Hyung.. argh! The boss will be so salty without you." Younger again pouted and Taehyung chuckled at that.

"I will also miss you all." His smile faded as he go through the possible outcomes of this mission. He was thinking that failure might lead him to his death... the thing scaring him the most to die as no one, far from the little family he built in the cafe. 

He snapped out of the trance when Yoongi came inside the room and took off his apron.

"We are closing and I am throwing a farewell for you." Older announced and Jae and other workers cheered on the news, quickly getting rid of their aprons as well.

Yoongi gestured for them all to follow him. They played many games and enjoyed freshly baked goodies from their boss. Yoongi tried his best to make Taehyung's last day memorable. Though, he was feeling hurt as Taehyung still didn't tell him a word about his new job.

"I hope, you decided wisely," Yoongi mumbled softly once he saw Jae and others dancing crazily to the loud music.

Taehyung looked at him with guilty eyes and hugged him tightly.

I wish to decide on my own hyung, but I think.. fate has decided something for me.

"It will be fine Hyung." Gazing back at the little wild crowd, the blue-haired let out and Yoongi just sighed, still disappointed by the lack of response.

In the evening, finally, Taehyung left the cafe with a heavy heart after hugging and bidding goodbye to everyone. Jae and Yoongi almost cried but Taehyung warned them that if a single tear fell from their eyes, he won't contact them in the future.

He grumbled as the heaviness was increasing with every passing second. He had to go to the bus stop as Namjoon told him to, and he walked like a half-dead man through the alley, reaching the bus stop.

For the last time, he memorized the bus number as Namjoon informed him that the bus would be for him especially as they decided to use the public bus to avoid any kind of suspicion.

There would be only Kim officers and a few more officers along with the driver. He licked his lips as he glanced over his watch. 5 minutes to go and a public bus screeched in front of the stop. Taehyung quickly entered the bus after confirming the number.

He felt surprised when he saw an almost empty bus as only Namjoon and Jin were sitting in the back seats with another officer with a bright smile.

"Come on Taehyung, don't be afraid. He is Baekhyun, our very talented engineer, one who made that new device for you." Namjoon introduced the new face with a smile and Taehyung slightly bowed before taking a seat at the front.

Jin walked forth and gestured to the driver to dim the lights so that no one can see them from outside.

"Do you have those with you now?" Jin asked politely and Taehyung nodded before taking out the small plastic bag with wrappers to give to the officer. Namjoon also asked him to bring the device with him so that they can set those on his ear.

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