35: Had to

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Ignore mistakes please

Third person P.O.V

"Don't lie."

Taehyung was just looking in eyes of Jungkook that hold a sort of hurt now, no anger.... no madness... just hurt, and it bothered him for the nth time, twisting his inside.

Another wave of guilt hit him and he was speechless again.

"I-" Jungkook's phone buzzed and he closed his mouth as soon as he opened it to say something. He sighed and let go of the chair and stand straight before taking out his phone to check the I'd, an immediate frown settled on his face upon seeing that and glanced shortly at Taehyung before leaving the room.

Taehyung was sitting still on the chair, heart going deep in guilt as the words kept ringing in his ears.

"Don't lie."

He shut his eyes and tried to make sure that he wasn't at fault for anything. He was doing a job and he had to do it... he had to.


"Welcome Jung.. welcome." The older one greeted the other who had his red goggles on his eyes, a black jacket over a deep red shirt, and hairs parted from the side, revealing his forehead.

"I'm here for a serious talk." Jung Hoseok cleared with a pointed look, making himself comfortable on the royal sofa.

The other looked not so pleased by the tone and waved his hands to dismiss his men that were standing around him.

Once they all were gone and only two were left in the room, he leaned forward and cleared his throat.

"What's this behavior?"

Hoseok chuckled darkly and threw a file on the table. "He is practically destroying my whole business." He spat angrily, smashing another file on the table while the older one scoffed at the action.

"Are you scared Jung?" He mocked that only added fuel to the fire when the said male slammed his fists over the glass table with a deep frown.

"I'm not scared you old freak! But why do I've to bear for something I never did?"

"Because we made a deal-"

"That deal should be kept that way then. He is only targeting me!"

"Wait a bit-"

"SHUT IT! I'M NOT GOING TO WAIT ANYMORE." Hoseok yelled in pure rage and got up from the sofa abruptly, his nose flaring in rage with eyes getting red. 

"Keep it low Hoseok. We both know that we need each other." The older male said when he felt that the matter was getting out of hand. Getting up with a sigh, he walked to him and patted his shoulder. "I'm trying on my own and I also know that you hired a sniper for a task as well." He continued and gently made Hoseok sit back on the sofa as he leaned on his side, whispering in his ear.

"To find out about the reality of that blue-haired boy." Hoseok turned his head with the same frown to face the other.

"Believe me. I'm trying on my own. Just a bit more wait to have what you want." He snickered to which Hoseok sighed and lightly nodded his head. Of course, he wasn't left with other choices.. being at the top enemy list of Jeon never left him with another choice, and he had to keep things that way. 

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