Chapter Twenty Two - Xavier POV - FUBAR

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“There is no reason to believe Arabelle decided to strike tonight, if it is her” Ben exclaimed as we walked through the airport.

“Call it a gut feeling. If Arabelle has been following Scarlett around all this time she’s going to know when the right time to strike is.”

“And she’d know you’re here with her. You add in a whole second layer of planning Xavier.”

Ben was right. If Arabelle was behind this she’d have planned for the photo leak to have a longer lasting impact than it did. She wouldn’t have expected me to be around. But I had played right into her hand, because I’d run off to get air. I’d left Scarlett with Han’s because I was angry.

“Let’s not forget your gut feeling about me was off the mark.” Ben added.

“Right, let’s hope that my gut instinct is just severely flawed.” I replied allowing the sarcasm to encase my words.

Ben didn’t reply, I guess he thought better of it. I didn’t blame him, I wasn’t in any mood to make small talk anymore.

I put my foot flat on the gas, changing lanes like a race car driver, desperate to get back to the hotel. I didn’t care about the cars blaring their horns at me. I was driving on borrowed time. It would be just my luck the day I leave her to get air, everything gets fucked up beyond all recognition. It had happened last time too. When I left the hospital after the miscarriage. I was never there when she truly needed me.

I slammed my hand against the steering wheel and swore.

“Xavier, causing a pile up isn’t going to get us to her any faster.” Ben murmured.

“Call her phone.” I said, ignoring his pleas to slow down. He pulled his phone out.

“Straight to voicemail.” Ben said grimly. "Her phone is never off."

“You want me to slow down still.” I mumbled.

“This is actually happening.” He replied confused.

I nodded. In fact there was a higher chance that this was happening than there was of Scarlett being safe in her room with a flat cellphone. No, it was more likely that Arabelle had Scarlett, somehow, somewhere, for some reason that would seem ridiculous to anyone but Arabelle.

When I pulled into the hotel Ben and I leapt from the car and left it with the Valet. The foyer was busy and the lifts had groups of people waiting to go up.

“Stairs” ben shouted pointing to a door on the left. We sprinted up the stairs two at a time until we made it to the right floor. I slid my keycard into the lock and pushed the door open.

I called Scarlett’s name, but she didn’t reply. I called it again, but this time it was in despair. I turned and punched the wall. My hand recoiled, pain shot up through my knuckles right up to my elbow, but it was nothing compared to the shock raging through my heart and head.

“Xavier, there’s a note in here.” Ben exclaimed.

I walked over and picked up the note.

Call the cops. Arabelle has Xavier Smith and she is threatening to kill. Hans is in the next room drugged. I have my phone. The tracker App on my old phone is on. Call Nick Jackson on 555-474-722 and he will give you the details you need. I’ll hide it as long as I can.

“Call the cops” my voice was hoarse, and I felt sick.

My worst fears had been realized. The pieces of the puzzle had connected too late. Arabelle had baited Scarlett by pretending she had me.

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