Chapter Sixteen - The Little Red P.

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For three weeks Xavier and I lived in the love bubble we had made before we were separated by tours. I lived in hope it stayed the way, all the while knowing that being a Jackson meant the likelihood of that happening was slim.

So when Isla flung herself through my bedroom door one morning, and she was shaking holding her phone, I wasn’t surprised.

“Have you see it?” she whispered.

I shrugged and put my book down. Whatever it was, it could be fixed. “Seen what.”

Reluctantly she held the phone out to me. I sat up and took it. I looked, but it took a few seconds to focus. The images were shot on odd angles.

When I realized it was Xavier my stomach dropped.

There was a girl, lying on his chest, but I couldn’t see her face.

“What is this?” I croaked, my voice was caught in a vice grip.

“Scroll down.” She whispered. “There’s more.”

I took a deep breath and scrolled down. I almost puked when I got to the next on. My gag reflex was peaked. She was kissing him. The next picture was of her face and I felt like passing out. Arabelle.

I didn’t bother reading the story. The words didn’t matter. The pictures told me more than enough. I threw the phone down on the bed and fought the tears and anger threatening to surface.

“He lied to me.” He’s said nothing had happened, she had come on to him and he had said no.

Those pictures told an opposite story. I jumped up and walked to the door. My emotions had one, I was angry and crying.

“Scarlett. Wait… she got kicked off tour, maybe there is more to this.” Isla exclaimed, but even she didn’t sound sure.

“Or maybe he has cheaters remorse, and he asked her to leave!” I shot back. He hadn’t told me, which led me to believe he had something to hide.

I ran down stairs and found Xavier playing basketball with the other guys in the driveway. He looked over at me and walked from the game.

“Baby!” He grinned. My heart tinged with hurt, he’d smiled at me like that so often, and I thought it had been a smile reserved only for me. Maybe she’d had his smile too, and maybe she’d had much more.

“Don’t call me that.” I replied, my voice was stronger than my heart felt. “You lied to me. You said nothing happened.”

His eyes widened in fear, he dropped the ball and walked closer to me again. I held my hand up, afraid my resolve would weaken if he came closer.

“Stay away from me.”

“What’s going on?”

“Arabelle. You. Pictures. I’ve seen them. I’ve seen you in bed together.” The words choked me.

“Scarlett. It’s not what it looks like. Please let me explain.” He pleaded.

I turned and walked back inside. I didn’t want to hear it. My heart couldn’t take it.

I felt the vomit rise in my throat as I walked back into my room. This wasn’t happening.

“Scarlett.” Xavier’s voice called as he barged in. “please.”

I picked up my suitcase. “You’re not leaving me are you...? Scar… please.”

I didn’t speak, There was nothing either one of us could say to fix this. We were shattered. Broken beyond repair.

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