Chapter Fourteen - Falling Apart

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Jace was let out of hospital a couple of days later. His wheelchair and the house lack of elevator meant moving him to the bottom floor. It didn’t matter anyway. He barely spoke to anyone and he refused to leave the bedroom anyway.

The guys took over organizing the funeral and Cris’ parents dropped by with things from his childhood.

They seemed to understand that taking over wasn’t the right thing to do. Their own prejudices had ruined the family relationship. It seemed they had learned too late what being a family was really about. They asked to meet Jace, but Mom and Dad said no. His heartbreak was far more damaging than the broken legs, and he’d probably say something upsetting to all.

“Jace.” I whispered poking my head through the door. “Can I come in?”

He grunted, which was about the sum of his responses these days.

“The funeral is tomorrow. Did you want to speak?”

“No.” He replied, but he sounded unsure.

“Did you want me to speak for you?”

“I’m not an invalid…” He stopped and looked down at his legs. “At least not permanently.”

“Okay, sorry, it’s just I wanted to make sure.”

I walked back toward the door and let my hand hang on the door knob.

“Wait.” He croaked. “I do want to speak. I just… I don’t know if I can without falling apart.”

“I’ll be there, Mom and Dad will be there. Isla and the guys will be there. We all want to help you Jace. We’ll all be here to catch you.”

Jace nodded and held his hand out for me. I walked over, hugged him and for a long time we just cried together.

“Thank you.” He murmured. He looked down again, noting the small bear I held in my hand. I’d almost forgotten about it. “What’s that?”

“It was Cris’, his parents dropped a box of his things off. They said that this was his favorite bear.”

He frowned, but took the bear from my hands. “They were here?”

“They realized a little too late their mistakes.”

“A lot too late.” He replied as he hugged the bear. “I’d liked to have seen them.”

“Mom and dad didn’t think it was a good idea. You’ve hardly spoke the three days you’ve been home.”

“I know.”

“I’ll let you get some rest, or write your eulogy or whatever. They’ll be at the funeral tomorrow.”

Jace smiled and nodded. My heart soared as I watched him smile for the first time in almost a week.

I left the room and walked straight into Ben. “Hey, your mom said there is a wine cellar around here somewhere? I can’t find it.”

I smiled and looped my arm through Ben’s. “Follow me!”

I led him down the hidden staircase to the old wine cellar. My parents weren’t really drinkers, but for some reason had amassed enough wine to start a winery.

“White or red?” I called out trailing my fingers over the bottles.


“That narrows it down” I replied sarcastically.

I wandered around, looking at the various names. I didn’t know much about alcohol, but I knew which wine was my favorite.

“Scarlett.” Ben whispered. “You’re really cool you know that.”

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