Chapter Twenty Five - Breathe, Just Breath.

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Five months later.

“You look amazing.” Isla grinned as she buttoned up my dress. “No one would know you’re even pregnant.”

I looked at her reflection in the mirror and rolled my eyes. I stared down at my belly, She was teasing, that much was obvious. What I had lacked in the beginning of my pregnancy I had more than made up for now, five months later.

At 32 weeks I looked bigger than Isla who was almost full term. Isla walked around and we stood next to one another our big bellies now side by side. Toni walked over and looped her arm through mine on the other side. She wore a dress that matched Islas dark blue bridesmaids dress. We looked like we were supposed to be in some kind of maternity bridal magazine.

“You have to admit this is pretty hilarious.” Toni laughed. “The bride is pregnant, as are two of the bridesmaids and the other bridesmaid is actually a brides man. So much for traditional”

Ben looked up and shrugged. He wore a suit the used the same coloring as the dresses and he looked amazing. He grinned then looked back down.

“Us traditional?” I laughed. “Since when

“You’re having a big white wedding!” Toni giggled.

“That was all Xavier.” I retorted. “Sometimes I swear he is a bigger romantic than me.”

“Oh honey, the boy has been hung up on you for years…. He’s what we call a hopeless romantic.” Isla laughed.

I grinned. “I know.”

My hopeless romantic, now and forever.

Half an hour later the ceremony was due to start. I peeked through the door of the building we’d been getting ready in and glanced down the aisle to Xavier. He looked nervous, I smiled and grinned at his wedding party. Doc, Jay and Jace stood there, waiting patiently with him. Jace had had a long rehabilitation, but had finally ditched the crutches a couple of weeks before the wedding. The guys were due to go back in to the studio a week after our honeymoon.

Everything was beginning to slot in to place again. The baby kicked and I ran my hand over the bump. “Calm down baby… All in good time.” I whispered closing the door once more.

I turned to look back at Isla, Toni and Ben. They smiled each with varying levels of tears lining their eyes.

“I think I’m finally ready.” I whispered. The statement had a double meaning of course. Because just over a year ago I hadn’t been ready for anything. I hadn’t been ready for love, or a baby or a career that used all of my potential. It had happened gradually, but had it all started with Xavier. My sweet imperfectly perfect broody man who had once tried to seduce me in a bathroom. We’d both grown since that night, we’d both grown together.

“You are so ready.” Isla grinned racing over to the door.

She pushed the doors open, they creaked loudly which caused all our guests to turn. This was it.

Lora and Arlo Xavier’s sisters had been given the title of honorary bridesmaids, at 15 they felt ‘flower girls’ were a tad babyish and I can’t say I blamed them. So I had my stylist design then short party dresses using the same kind of material used for Isla and Toni’s dresses.

They left the room first, walking side by side dropping white rose petals as they walked down the aisle.  I watched as first my sister left the room, walking down, then Isla, and then Ben. Tears wet my eyes, but I blinked them back, I wanted for Xavier to see me like this, even if it only lasted a second before I became a hot mess.

Going TogetherOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora