The Last Minute Groom : Part Four

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Regarding why Ajay is back, it is his house and he has no guilt regarding what he did, so he saw no reason in not returning.

"Haan Gauri." Om says as he answered the phone.

"Omkara, where are you?" Gauri asks him.

"At the construction site. What happened?"

"When will you come back?"

"I will be done here in 20 mins, and then I will be coming home directly."

"No, I want you to come to this hotel. I am texting you the address."

"Okay... but why?"

"I want you to meet someone here."

"Okay. You are there already?"


"Okay, I will meet you there then. Bye."


Gauri impatiently waited for Omkara to reach as she prayed that he doesn't call home or Ajay call him, and he find out that Ajay is back. As she nervously paced around her phone started ringing,

"Omkara, did you reach?"

"Yes. Where are you?"

"Come to room no 1504."


"And switch off your mobile?"

"Huh? But why?"

"Just do it."

"What's with the shady behavior?"

"Just do it, Omkara."

"Okay. I'm taking the elevator." Saying that he hangs up.

Gauri quickly calls Dandi on his mobile. "What's happening?" he asks her as he picked up the phone.

"Omkara is here. You will manage right?"

"Yes. So far I told Ajay that you are sleeping, now if he asks again I will tell him that you went home."

"Okay, thanks"

"No problem. You come back when Dad and Mom gets home." Dandi tells her as he hung up the phone.

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