Haunted House : Part Three

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"Priyanka?" Gauri calls her confused.

"You can see me?" Priyanka asks Gauri confused as she turned her gaze from Omkara.

"Yes." Gauri replies in amazement.

"Where is she?" Omkara asks Gauri turning to her. "Where is my sister? Prinku? PRINKU!"

"She is standing in front of you." Gauri replies softly.

Omkara stops in shock and turns to look straight ahead. "I can't see her." Omkara softly whispers in pain then turning to Gauri frantically he asks her, "I CAN'T SEE HER! WHY CAN'T I SEE HER?"

"Because only I can."

"You are lying." Omkara accuses her as he left Gauri's hand and moved back. "You lied about the song. You are lying now. She is alive! I am going to find her!"

"She is standing in front of..." Gauri starts to say as she turned to look at Priyanka and stops in shock seeing the empty space. "I can't see her."


"Shut up!" Gauri snaps at him and turns to Inder. "Papa, I could see her and now I can't."

Inder who was staring at Omkara asks him, "Your sister... has she ever donated her organ to you?"

"What? No!" Omkara replies irately. "I am going."

Omkara starts to walk off when the front door closes loudly.

"She is here?" Gauri asks Inder as she turned to him hopefully realizing Priyanka was closing the door to stop Omkara from leaving.

"You said you could see her now you are asking your father whether she is here?" Omkara asks her furiously.

"Why the hell do you argue so much? Can't you shut your mouth and accept what I am telling you?" Gauri asks him furiously.

"Why should I believe anything that you say? You are a liar and a psycho!"

"Omkara..." Inder calls him before Gauri could argue again with him.

Omkara turns to Inder and tells him, "I almost believed her when she told me about the song. That is why I called you but you guys are liars. I am leaving."

"Please think again, has she ever donated any organ? Anything? Please when you were children any surgery... anything?" Inder asks him. "I just need to understand why Gauri was able to see her just now."

Hearing children and surgery Omkara tells him hesitantly, "We were twins. We were conjoint. We shared the same liver."

"And the liver still lives on in you." Inder finishes off.

"What do you mean?" Omkara asks confused. Understanding, what her father was saying, Gauri quickly grabs Omkara's hand.

Omkara turns to her exasperated, "You have some nerve. You think you are strong enough to hold me here? What are you going to do next tie me down?"

"I can see her." Gauri tells Omkara as she stared at Priyanka.

"You are ly.." Omkara starts to say and stops in shock feeling Gauri's hold on him turning cold. It felt like ice. Omkara turns to Gauri, "Your hands are cold. It's like it is frozen."

"Not mine." Gauri replies as she stared at her hand that was holding Omkara's. Priyanka had kept her hand over Gauri's.

"She... is... Here?" Omkara asks Gauri as his heart started slamming against his chest.

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