Marriage Most Scandalous : Epilogue

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Thanks to all for voting and commenting on the previous part. Here is the epilogue.

"YES!!!" they both shouted seeing the second line forming on the stick.

Gauri turns to look at Omkara and he was looking at her excitedly.

She hugs him happily, "We are having a baby!" Gauri says excitedly as she slightly hopped.

"Don't. No jumping." Omkara says worried and she quickly stops.

"Thank you, Om." Gauri says smiling at him with happy tears and he leans down and takes her lips in his kissing her.

"You are happy right?" Gauri asks him.

"Yes." Omkara tells her smiling, "maybe not as happy as you but I am very happy."

Gauri smiles in relief, Omkara was not very keen on having a baby so quickly as he worried it would affect her studies and she had promised him to keep continuing her studies and he had given in two months back.

"I love you, Om." Gauri tells him cupping his face and he smiles at her.

They rarely said I love you-s after that night they got married again, they knew they loved each other and it was enough for them.

"Do you think we should go see a doctor and confirm again?" Gauri asks suddenly nervous.

"Yes. After that we'll inform everyone at home." Omkara tells her smiling.

Evening after they get back from the doctor they decide to call up Tej and Jhanvi. Gauri keeps looking at Omkara while he kept looking at her.

"What?" Gauri asks him curiously.

"What?" Omkara asks confused.

"Why aren't you calling Dad and Mom?" Gauri asks confused.

"Me? you are the one who calls them right?"

"Yes... but how can I call them up and say, hello Dad... Your son got me pregnant?"

"You know, Dad doesn't talk to me."

"But I can't tell anyone." Gauri says blushing.

Omkara sighs dramatically and takes her phone and calls Tej.

"Hello Gauri?" Tej picks up on the first ring.

"Er... Dad this is me." and Tej hangs up the phone.

Omkara sighs and looks at Gauri. "Call again."

Omkara calls again and the same thing happens again. "Call once more."

"Gauri, I am going to get upset if he hangs up on me again. I don't want to be upset on this day." Omkara calmly tells her.

"Okay... then you call Papa now." Omkara dials Harshvardhan's number from his cell and he picks up the call.

"Omkara." Harshvardhan picks the call with a smile.

"Hello Papa..."

"How are you, Omkara?"

"I am good, Papa. How are you?"

"Good... good."

"How is Mama?"

"Tell him!" Gauri whispers to him excitedly.

Omkara glares at her.

"She is fine. She is here, do you want to talk to her?"

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