Bewitched : Part Eight

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Thanks to all for voting and commenting on the previous part.

Two weeks later

Om had his leg on his mother's lap as she changed his dressing. She removes the bandage and then the cotton. A cool breeze touched his toe at the same time he heard his mother flinch.

"If you are going to get worked up seeing that maybe you shouldn't insist on changing the dressing." Om tells her calmly.

"I am not getting worked up. But your nail is all gone."

"It will grow back." Om says rolling his eyes.

"Take care of yourself, Om."

"I have better things to worry about, Mom."

Jhanvi sighs loudly as she went on to apply medication and dress his toe up.

"It is going to take a couple more weeks." Om tells her.

"If you had simply just rest your leg it wouldn't take that long." Jhanvi reminds him.

"You know I can't." Om tells her quietly.

"What has happened to our family?" Jhanvi asks sadly.

Om turns to look at Rudra who was watching TV though his attention was elsewhere. Om sighs, the only good thing in hurting Gauri was, it had made Rudra wonder whether what everyone telling him was true about Ria. Rudra had lied to Ria that he had a fight with the family and he was disowned and thrown out. Ria had dumped him on the spot. Rudra seemed to be dealing with his heart break better, well Rudra was not the cause of his own heart break. He didn't destroy everything.

"Sir!" Khanna shouts as he hurries in.

Om turns to look at Khanna and one look at his face and he knew. Om starts smiling, "You found her."

"Yes." Khanna says smiling happily.

Om was about to get up when Jhanvi holds his leg.


"Wait! I'm doing your dressing. Once I am done with that, you bring my bahu home." Jhanvi tells him smiling.

When she calls Gauri bahu, how can he not listen to her demands?

Om rings the bell ready to fight whoever opens the door. And sure enough Nani opens the door.


"Where is she?" Om asks her furiously.

"How did you find us?"

"You don't need magic to find people. Connections will do."

Nani glares at him.

"I want to talk to Gauri."

"She is not here."

"I don't trust you."

"She is not here." Nani repeats.

"I am going to wait out here till she returns then." Om says shrugging.

"Come inside!" Nani says pissed.

Shocked at the invitation Om follows her inside.

"She forgot you." Nani tells him turning to look at him.

"She will never forget me." Om argues furiously.

"I took away her memories of you."

"What? How can you do that? How dare you do that?" Om asks her furiously and then utterly confused he asks "How the hell do you do that?"

Rikara Short Stories CollectionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora