02 - Laying Out the Probabilities

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"So yeah, that's the whole thing." I finished narrating my experience to Nova realizing she had been giving me that weird look again.

"I wonder how handsome this Miles guy is for the iron wall Summer to swoon over him on the first day itself!" She exclaimed.

[A/N : Iron wall - Wall-like defence towards the opposite gender]

"Shut up Nova." I said shyly, feeling myself turning red by the second.

"How does it feel to have a crush at first sight?" She pretended to shove a mic at me like a red carpet reporter.

"It feels kinda weird. A good weird of course but I hope this thing stays as a crush and fades as a crush because I don't want any trouble in my life anymore." I noticed Nova rolling her eyes at my answer before facepalming herself.

"You really know how to suck the fun out of anything don't ya?" She sighed.

"It's the truth though." I shrugged.

"I know I know but you can at least pretend like it's not."

"Okay then lemme try again." I said and Nova immediately straightened up for my second try. "I hope I'll fall in love with him and he'll fall in love with me and we both move in together and... The end."

"Why did you stop? Go on." Nova wriggled her eyebrows again with that look. You know that one look your best friend gives when she imagines you do stuff with your boyfriend or girlfriend? Yup, that's the look.

"I don't plan on writing a Wattpad novel." I raised my eyebrow and she just rolled her eyes, sighing out of frustration.

"Ugh fine buzzkill. When are you gonna meet him again though?"

"Probably next week. If he comes, that is."

"Don't think so negatively about everything Summer. Forget the 'if' and just say you'll meet him next week." Nova accused me for the fifth time this week and it's only Tuesday. She always scolds me for negative thinking and the fact is that she's right. But I can't help imagine how anything can go wrong rather than how it can go right.

"I'm just laying out the probabilities." I blurted out defensively causing my best friend to shoot a glare that could kill if it had the power. Literally.

"Well your probabilities are negative just like any other day."

"Excuse me for being realistic." I said sarcastically and Nova didn't waste a second to flick my head.

"It hurts!!"

"That's the whole point of a flick!"

~ ♡ ~


Usually, I would not have wasted a second to name it as my least favorite day of the week and it still kinda is but not that much. Yeah you know why. Well, I was expecting so much while climbing up the stairs to the tuition class wondering where he would be sitting or if he'll smile at me or even better, talk to me.

Always remember everyone, the greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment.

I was already late for ten minutes but he wasn't in the class.

Hiding my pout I greeted the teacher and apologized for being late again, going to my seat and plopping myself down on it before taking out my books. I sliently started doing the work Mrs. Moore gave and finished them in a matter of few minutes.

Honestly, I didn't have any problem in understanding math. What I did have a problem with was complete the math exam paper within the given time frame that caused me to stress a lot and mess everything up, affecting my grades. That was the sole reason my mother sent me to this class where no one even took interest to talk to me properly.

If you didn't quite get it yet, I was basically a loner here.

It was rarely that someone talked to me and I didn't even know what I had done wrong for them to keep a distance from me. Nova said it might be because of my school. She said that the other students in the class might think I'm an arrogant girl just because I went to the most prestigious school in the country. Believe it or not, it was kind of a common belief among people that most of the girls in our school was posh and bratty, if you get what I mean. Maybe Nova was right. Maybe those kids took me the same way as others did. Whatever the reason, I still hadn't made friends with anyone. Me being an introvert also didn't help. Introvert or not, in a boring class such as this, you could use some company.

I heaved a sigh wishing how nice it would be to have Nova with me at that moment. I didn't even have the phone with me to send a text and the boredom was starting to drive me nuts. I knew I'd have to stay there and do nothing until the others were finished with the work but the last time I heard them talking was about question four and there were ten questions in total.

"I'm so sorry Mrs. Moore!!"

The door banged open with the familiar voice resonating through the walls, making us all turn back to see the latecomer. There stood a sweating and panting Miles at the door trying to catch his breath from all the running as I assumed.

"Miles? What makes you late like Summer?" Mrs. Moore asked without even looking at me and I just felt offended. I fought the urge to glare at the teacher.

"I had some stuff to do at school and got a little late, I'm sorry." He apologized after taking a glance at me at the teacher's remark.

"I hope this won't become a habit though." The elderly woman announced and the boy nodded in comprehension before taking sitting in his chair next to Alex, two seats away from me.

This class may have gotten a little interesting.

Unless I string two chapters together, every chapter takes place on a brand new day so the story will be continuing a bit fast. The math class is held on every Monday so it might give you a bit of an idea when the incident is happening. You can always ask if there's any confusion :)

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