23 - Maybe At Least One Vein?

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< 2 years later >

[A/N : I swear this will be the last time I'd be skipping years of time in any of my stories (hopefully). Anyways enjoy!]

The alarm of my phone started going off next to my pillow, dragging me away from my fancy dreamland into tasteless reality. I peeked out from the window of my room to see everything was still dark.

Who am I kidding, it's still 4am...

I groaned as I straightened my back and sat on the mattress, yawning and rubbing my eyes to chase some of the sleepiness away. Before getting ready I made myself a coffee, sipping it while checking my class schedule for the day. I had an early morning lecture to attend which was the reason for me to be up from bed this early. After making sure none of my stuff is left behind, I locked the room door and stepped outside feeling a little colder than usual. It took another ten minutes for the bus to arrive and I got on, bracing myself for the two hour journey to my university.

The bus was nearly empty when I took my seat near a window, letting the cool breeze flow through my hair. I covered my mouth with my hand to muffle another yawn. I had gotten only three hours of sleep last night because of an assignment due tomorrow. I figured I wouldn't be able to work on it today because of an event at my part time job so I had to finish it before sleeping, resulting my day to start with double the normal amount of sleepiness.

After about an hour and a half a couple got on the bus and sat two seats ahead of me. They looked like they were around the same age as mine. I didn't mean to stare but I couldn't help but smile to myself seeing the girl giggle at something the guy said, who kissed the back of the girl's hand afterwards. Immediately my mind ran off to a particular male as well, wondering if he even remembers me after these couple of years.

I really hadn't seen him ever since we last said bye to each other, the day I got to know Alicia was his sister. Since mom confiscated my everything I didn't have his contact number either to save it again into my phone, making me realize how stupid it was for me to not have it written down somewhere else in case I lost it. But what's done was already done and I could only go on with my life, hoping for a miracle to happen if there was any.

My phone buzzed in my bag to indicate a text from the one person I could keep in contact with even after the big mess.


- What's up sunshine

- I hope your light isn't covered by the dark clouds of fatigue in this glorious time of the day we folks call as 'Morning'

Lemme guess, you got a mini exam on metaphysical poetry again? -

- Bingo! I'm gonna be one lucky gal if these gibberish will get me to pass

Oh please, you're gonna do great -

- That's what you said last time too😑

And what happened?😏 -

- And I passed so say it again but with more emotion and with your whole heart. I need your whole heart!


- What's the use of liking someone if they don't give you their whole heart? Maybe at least one vein???

I see Winn has left you on seen again👀 -

- Ugh I can't with that guy. I'm taking every possible measure to pass the hint that I like him but he's just aaarrrggghh!!!!!!!

- If he at least had a gf I would've stopped crushing on him but he's single as a pringle and yet😤😤

It's my stop Nova igtg -

See ya and good luck for the exam❤ -

- Ty and byeeeeee❤

I locked my phone and got up from my seat to the door, getting off the vehicle when it came to a halt. I plugged my earphones and was searching for a good song to start my playlist with when another text came, this time from the woman who owned the room I live in.


- Your rent is due again. I will only wait until the end of this week or else you can pack your things and move out

I'll pay it by then -

Sighing heavily I turned the volume up and strolled the few yards towards the university, lip syncing to the words playing through my earphones.

The day went just the same with no important events, lectures coming to an end one by one. Soon it was the end of the last class for the day and I packed my bag, getting ready to leave the university premises to head to my part time job at a nearby restaurant. I was already a bit late so I had to make a run for it to not miss the special event today that would earn me a bonus for my savings. I got to my workplace just in time with only minutes to spare after switching my casual clothes to the uniform.

"I'm sorry guys but the client canceled the party at the very last minute. Even I got to know just now 'cause the manager had forgotten to inform me as he said. That goldfish!" The Deputy Manager in charge of the waiters of the restaurant said in the emergency meeting he called, causing us all to whine and sigh. We all knew how incompetent the Manager was so the situation was quickly understood.

"So no bonus?" A girl asked and the Deputy Manager's lips turned into a thin line, giving us a hint of what he was going to say.

"Actually I'm gonna talk to the Manager about it because you all came here just for that party and it's just not really fair. I'll see what I can do." He said.

The workers took their leave one by one since there was no other need for them to stay if the big event they came for was canceled. I changed back into my jeans and top, putting on my bag and stepping out of the building after bidding my goodbye to everyone. I wasn't thinking much while I continued to scroll down my music looking for a song to play when someone tapped my shoulder from behind, making me stop and turn around to face the person.

Seriously guys thank you so much for reading if you made it this far cuz I was boring myself to death while writing the last few chapters. Hopefully, next chapters will be more exciting than these

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