1| Same Boat

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"Okay, okay. Thanks mom. I love you, too. Okay, bye." I hang up after hours of talking to my mom who wouldn't let me go until I told her that I had to go to work.

I get into a formal dress; my job didn't require a specific uniform but it did have a dress code. My dress code was that we had to wear formal dresses that wasn't too revealing but enough that we looked professional and presentable. This job made me feel hot, like really hot. Helped my self esteem, I guess.

I finished up my dark eyeshadow and yawned. I barely sleep but I need to keep the money coming, especially with how big my check is, I don't think I could stop working. Besides, I love my job, yeah there's creeps that come with it, but I'm strong; mentally and physically, I can support myself just fine.

8 p.m.

Two guests who came in about an hour ago, just left together, drunk. It's not uncommon for that to happen, I mean it is a nightclub. But it's still early in the night and the heavy tippers haven't made their way here yet.

10 p.m.

I wipe off another table, grinning as I pick up a tip that can easily pay for next weeks groceries. I walk to the back where I'm met with my stern faced boss.

"Hey what's up," I ask as I wash my hands.

"I'm going to give you two more tables tonight. First's Mr. Lee, looks like he's alone tonight so be nice, please." She pleads, referring to my teasing to younger costumers who think they get to sleep with me if they're nice. No thanks.

"I'm not a piece of meat and they will respect me as their waitress, thank you." I reply slightly annoyed.

"Y/n, sweeten up, just a little?" To which I respond to her the only way I know how, "If they wanted me to 'sweeten up' then why are my tips and check so big?" I smirk as I dry my hands.

"Your second table is a birthday party," she continues, ignoring my remark. "and they're rich Y/n. Like they each can buy you a mansion and it wouldn't even dent their wallets."

I nod and head back into the action. I glance at the dancefloor, filled with women in tight dresses who are rubbing themselves against men who finically support them. I never had anything against those women, we were in the same boat, sorta. We both need money and wealthy men just happen to be the ones who help us. Only difference is that I found a safe and easier route, I guess.

I plaster on a smile as I walk over to Mr. Lee's table. He was one of my usual costumers who also wanted me so bad. Yes,  he was handsome, but I wasn't interested. Plus I had no time, actually I never had time. I never had been in a relationship, or even have my first kiss. Some may say it's embarrassing, but I don't care. I have other things to worry about, my family, rent, school, and being committed to someone, no matter the gender, at the moment was not something I needed.

"Good afternoon Mr. Lee." I say to which he frowns as he does every time I call him 'Mr. Lee'.

"Felix, please call me Felix." I nod, knowing I won't because that wasn't really my thing, unless I really liked them.

"So what can I get you tonight? Is there a special someone coming that I should bring a drink for?" I ask. Of course there's not, he's a douche who will be here all night trying to get me alone with him outside.

"Actually there is," he says, smiling at my slight surprised reaction, "what would you like to drink?". I sigh, loud enough for him to hear my annoyance.

"I don't want a drink with you. I have work and besides I would never have a drink with you even if I wasn't working." I roll my eyes at his smirk.

After a few moments of going back and forth with his non stop flirting, I finally am able to get away from him as I go to the back and grab the drink that he asked for. I can't even recall what it was, just something with a big ego, like him.

I place it next to him and scurry away before he could irritate me any more. I make my way toward the birthday party in the back, it was a private room, and by private room I mean a room blocked with security, only the reallllllly rich were allowed back there.

I nod to the guard at the door and soon enough I'm in a room surrounded with 7 men. I couldn't get a good enough look at all of them because of the dark lighting, but I wasn't there to see if they were pretty.

"Hi, are you all having a good night so far?" I ask, starting up the conversation amongst the men.

"Ah yes," One with a deep voice says and before I let him continue I say, "Is there anything I can get you guys?"

"What's your favorite drink?" Another asks, this time the man who said this was closer and his voice was smoother. I think for a bit. "Palomas are really good, especially the ones here."

One of the men stands up and nearly pins me to the wall and I feel the urge to slap him in the face, but the one from before with the deep voice slightly brushes his shoulder; basically telling him to get off me. "Please refrain from touching the merchandise." I say flatly, almost annoyed.

"And why's that?" He asks as he reaches for the side of my cheek until I grab his wrist and flip it in a position where I can hear puts him in pain when he gasps and shouts, "What is wrong w-" I cut him off before he can finish, "with me? Or with you? I don't want to be touched as your waitress and please understand the boundaries we have put in place. Thank you" I finish as I let go of his arm.

The other men explode with laughter as I start again. "My name is Y/n by the way, I don't want any pet names to be referred to me and please know that this is my job. I am not interested in any of you." I reach to grab leftover trash on the table in front of them and stand up straight flashing my smile, genuine this time. Gosh, I can barely hold my laugh.

I go to get their drinks when I reach for the handle and I overhear them say, through their laughs, "Hyung, she got you so badly. Joon, did you see that? It was so embarrassing." He laughs, he sounds young compared to the other two. "Shut up, Jungkook." the one who had attempted to touch me grunts.

I smirk and leave the room. Yeah I'm a badass.

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