18| Worse For Everyone

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I swivel my chair back and forth while I wait for my ride, Wooyoung, to get off of work. I've already clocked out, but I don't have a ride since Jennie was supposed to take me to her house and... well.

Anyways, Wooyoung's shift will be ending soon so I watch the drunken people dancing to the heaved music. I cringe at some of the women who are seemly trying to fuck those men with their clothes on. I wonder how much they are getting paid, but then I notice that I shouldn't think like that since I'm getting paid by men as well.

I feel someone sit beside me, but I assume it's another customer so I try to focus on the clock above the bar, the numbers are blurry. I'm not that drunk, but I'm leaning towards tipsy. Wooyoung has been working forever it feels like and every time I finish my drink, he's back refilling it.

"Now, what did we say about the drinking?" A deep voice from beside me breaks my train of thought. Taehyung is smirking at me, satisfied that he was able to throw me off my guard.

"I know, but I'm not alone. Wooyoung is going to take me home so I'm good." I say, my words strung together. Saying I was tipsy may have been an understatement.

Taehyung's eyes follow my notion to Wooyoung, who is already smiling at us. He winks at me and I drive my attention back to Tae, "See, I'm good." I say.

He nods, clearly not trusting Wooyoung. "Happy birthday." I gaze at a peaceful looking Tae. Noticing my look of confusion of how he knew it was my birthday he goes on, "--I overheard your conversation with Namjoon earlier."

"Oh so you were eavesdropping?" I jokingly ask and he hide his hands in his pockets. "Thank you." My tone reserved, but gracious. He nods in response, not before looking at my lips. I cover my face as if on instinct, but doesn't say anything.

"So you got any plans tomorrow?" He questions, still sitting beside me. I guess he'll wait until Wooyoung gets off his shift.

"I have some, yeah." I think of Yoongi and how comforting he was. His pale, warm hands, that were pink at the knuckles.

"Don't lie." He says, as if knowing that Jennie cancelled on me. I raise an eyebrow at him to which he raises his in return, mimicking me.

"I do." I protest, but he refuses to take my statement.

"Lie all you want. Anyways, I'm not gonna ask why you were so bummed earlier, but I want you to uh," He begin stumbling over his words, flustered, "-just don't come to us with your problems okay? We can't help you and it'll only get worse for everyone in the end." Clearly seeing I was taken aback at what he said, he starts to stand up.

"Have a good day, Y/n. See you." He finishes, leaving me alone at the bar. My eyes lazer into the back of his suit, but he exits the club. I think of the small interaction, was I invading them too much? Was it the lack of friends that made me latch onto a bunch of strangers in the first place?

"Let me grab my coat, then we can head out." Wooyoung says before heading to his locker.

"Oh, okay." I respond, not quite focusing on his words, but instead what Taehyung was talking about.





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