29| Took The Fall

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I sit at an empty table and pull out the new phone I was forcefully gifted by Taehyung. It was my break and I was struggling to get back my information since most of it was on the other phone, but they tried to put things back onto this one.

I texted Jennie with my new number, but she still has yet to respond. I hope everything is going well with her dad, I know he's really important to her. I hesitate to text my mom, knowing she was most likely still upset with me for still having this job, but I type out a message to her number. My finger hovers over the send button until finally I grow the balls to actually do it, but quickly the number replies that it's not in service anymore. What? Is she okay?

"Y/n, I'm going to need you in the back now." My boss says from the bar, Wooyoung standing beside her. I nod and follow them to the back.

"What's going on?"

"We're missing a dozen bottles of vodka, do you have any idea where they might have went?" She asks me as if I had something to do with that.

"No... I don't need to steal vodka." I look over to Wooyoung who's shifting uncomfortably.

"Is it true you drink on shift?" She asks.

"Well, yeah. We all do, you said you don't have a problem with us doing so as long as it wasn't too much." I protest, feeling upset with the whole situation.

"Do you think you might've gotten carried away after drinking too much?"

"Are you saying you think I stole a dozen vodka bottles because I got carried away?" I feel my face turn red because of anger, but I try my best to compose myself.

"Y/n, Wooyoung here says you've been looking kind of down and we know that sometimes feelings like that may lead to-"

"I did not steal anything and I don't what my personal life has anything to do with this." I sigh out of disbelief of what is happening. I didn't steal anything and I don't get drunk on shift. RIght? No, I wouldn't do that. But I did get black out drunk last night where I couldn't remember anything.... Did I do it again?

"Y/n, things are hard right now and we just need to know if you took them." She says and I look back over to Wooyoung who looks.. disappointed? Did something happen to him? And that's when I realize he must've done it.

"I did." I say, looking back over to my boss who's probably more confused than me.

"Now why did you have to make things so hard? Come with me." She takes me to her back office, but I stare at Wooyoung.

1 hour later

I grab my stuff, pissed off but trying not to cause a scene. I see Wooyoung and he follows me outside, but I don't feel like talking to him anymore.

"Y/n?" He asks and I turn around to look at a face that reminded me too much of my mother.

"What? Because of you I just lost my fucking job." I don't feel the need to compose myself once the night air hits.

"I'm sorry, but she was going to find out when they were missing."

"Okay? And that's not my problem."

"This is my fault, I knew you were having a hard time, but I let it come down to this." He face palms and I become confused.

"It is your fault, I didn't do anything, but I took the fall for you, Wooyoung." I cross my arms over my chest.

"What are you talking about? I didn't do anything, I just reported it and said I thought it may have been you."

"Oh so I lost my job for something I didn't do because I thought you did it? Fuck you Wooyoung." I turn around and tears of angers spill from my eyes. I just lost my job because he snitched on me for something I didn't even do. I now have nothing left and for what? I step into my car and start crying. I need Jennie right now and she's not here. My mom is gone? I have no one except 7 boys who treat me like an object, but they're the only ones I have left now.

My phone starts ringing as if on cue and it's Jennie, I waste no time answering. "Jennie? Thank god, I-"

"Y/n." Her voice is firm and serious, something's wrong.

"What's wrong?" I ask and she struggles to respond.

"Um... my dad doesn't have much longer and I don't know when I'm coming back. Right now my family needs me." She explains and I completely understand.

"No of course, you should be staying with them. You need time and I understand that, take all the time you need." And I can hear her sigh in relief, almost like she was holding it in for a long time.

"Thank you for understanding Y/n. I don't know when I'll be back, but when I do, I'll let you know." I subconsciously nod my head.

Before I can talk about anything else, she says her goodbyes and hangs up, leaving me alone again. I bang my head against the steering wheel and continue my cry where I left off. This month, everything has been crumbling around me and I don't know what to do. I look up outta the windshield and think. Should I go home and cry or should I call one of the boys. Should I be alone at a time like this?

I start the car and I pull out of the parking lot.

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