Chapter 6: Up In Flames

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{We just couldn't wait 'til next week to post this chapter, so here you go!

We do not own Danny Phantom or Percy Jackson, only this story and our original characters.}

      Danny called Sam and Tucker after waking up around noon. Both of them wanted to hear about Danny's night in the Underworld, so the trio decided to meet up at the park that afternoon. When Danny left his house, the January day was bright and chilly. When he got to the park, he saw both Sam and Tucker sitting on a picnic blanket under a tree a ways away from the walking paths that twisted through the dead grass.

      "Hey, Danny." Sam waved him over.

      "Hey, guys." Danny sat down on the edge of the blanket. Sam must have packed the basket because there were a variety of fruits and vegetables that Sam had likely grown herself.

      "So, how was your trip?" Sam asked, munching on a large green apple. "Meet anyone interesting?"

      "Yeah, did you see Ha-" Tucker began, but Danny slapped his hand over Tucker's mouth.

      "Don't say his name." Danny warned, eyes briefly glowing.

      "Whoa, Danny, chill." Sam held her hands up. "What's your deal?"

      Danny quickly removed his hand, feeling slightly ashamed. "Sorry, guys."

      "Sensitive subject?" Tucker guessed, glaring sulkily at the picnic basket—Sam definitely packed it, then.

      "No, no, it's not that," Danny answered, rubbing his eyes. "I was told not to say the names of any Greek Myth people."

      "Why not?" Sam questioned.

      "It could get their attention in a bad way." Danny answered, grabbing an apple from Sam's picnic basket and taking a bite.

      "What's wrong with your arm?" Tucker asked Danny, pointing at said appendage.

      Danny looked down at his right arm, which was now wrapped in an elastic bandage; he had pulled on a hoodie before leaving his house, but the bandage was now peeking out from under the cuff. Danny had wrapped his arm that morning to avoid any questions from his parents. Jazz had raised an eyebrow at him at breakfast, but hadn't questioned it. "Well," Danny began. "I should probably tell you what all happened, first."

      Sam and Tucker were enthralled as Danny told them about his adventure in the Underworld. He told them about Cerberus and the Fields of Asphodel. Sam nearly squealed in delight when Danny told her about Persephone's garden. However, when he got to the ceremony, Danny faltered; he had a feeling that he shouldn't give out the fact that he was Death's Apprentice so openly. Instead, he told them that Thanatos wanted to train him to use his ghostly powers so that Danny could better handle the Ghost Zone spirits. He also didn't mention Nico because he still felt pretty awful about upsetting him.

      "Okay, dude, that's awesome and all," Tucker said. "But what does that have to do with your arm?"

      "There's... a mark that... let's me know when they need my help with something." Danny hated lying to his friends, but he felt it was necessary for a reason he could not explain.

      Danny could tell his friends knew he was lying, but they didn't question him. Sam wanted to see his mark, and Danny decided that it was probably okay to show his friends. It wasn't like they knew Greek, and even then it just said 'Thanatos.'

      After his friends had studied the mark, Tucker decided that it looked awesome. Sam agreed, but then asked Danny how he planned to hide it; he said he'd just use elastic bandages for the time being.

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