Chapter 14: Capture The Flag

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{This chapter takes place right after the previous one.

We do not own Danny Phantom or Percy Jackson, only this story and our original characters.}

      Once everyone had finished their meals, the girls (Chiron told Danny that they were nymphs) cleared away the dishes. All of the campers stood and cheered as several of them ran into the pavilion carrying two long silk banners; one was red and had a boar's head painted on it, and the other was silver with an owl. The teams were announced and everyone moved to rally around the team leaders.

      Chiron told Danny that he could participate in the activity if he so wished; Danny decided that he would join in. Chiron brought the campers' attention back to the front table, where he announced the rules of capture the flag. Danny felt concern grow in his gut as Chiron went over the rules.

      "Remember, no killing or maiming is allowed. Now," Chiron spread out his arms and the tables were suddenly covered with weapons and armor. "Prepare yourselves!"

      "Uhh, should I be worried about that?" Danny asked Chiron as everyone suited up.

      "About the 'no killing or maiming' rule? Not really." Chiron answered. "Nobody has died from capture the flag for several years now."

      "Oh, fun. Neato." Danny watched as the campers grabbed their gear and split off into two teams, one wearing red-plumed helmets and the other blue. "So, which team do I go with?"

      "You'll be with the Hermes cabin." Chiron pointed to the red team. "Aurora," He called out. "Could you come here, please?"

      Aurora walked over to the head table. "Yes, Chiron?"

      Chiron clapped a hand on Danny's shoulder. "Danny will be joining your cabin for the game."

      "Cool. Come on, Danny." Aurora grabbed Danny's hand and pulled him towards the red team's tables. There, she handed him a leather breastplate and a red-plumed helmet. "These should fit you." She then gestured to the weapons left on the table. "Take your pick."

      Danny looked at the weapons laid out before him; there were swords, shields, bows and arrows, spears, and daggers. After some consideration, he decided on a dagger. He hadn't fought with any of these weapons before (well, he had used a sword a few times, but he certainly hadn't been trained), but he planned to mostly use his ghost powers during the fight and figured that a dagger would do good in a pinch.

      A tall buff girl with a spear stepped onto a table near the front of the pavilion. "Red team!" She shouted. "Forward!"

      The red team cheered as they ran for the northern half of the woods. Danny followed close behind.

      They stopped once they reached a clearing with a large pile of boulders. The buff girl scaled the rocks, planted their flag at the top, and began to point at people and give orders. "Ares cabin, two of you guard the flag, the rest get the blue team's flag! Hephaestus kids, set the traps! They've got Apollo, so plan accordingly! Aphrodite cabin, dunno and don't care, just stay out of the way! Hermes cabin, offensive. Don't try and get the flag, y'all will just screw it up. Just keep the blue team busy and away from our flag. Distract them," The girl smiled wickedly. "And maim them if need be."

      "Wait, so what do we do?" Danny asked Aurora as the campers around them ran to their positions.

       "Distract the blue team, keep them away from the flag!" Aurora replied as she nocked an arrow in her bow.

      "That's it? I thought we were supposed to, ya know, capture the flag." Danny shrugged.

      "I mean, yeah, but Clarisse doesn't like it when people divert from her plans." Aurora grimaced. "The last kid who did and made her lose got a broken nose from the swirly she gave him."

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