Chapter 9: Let's Try That Again

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{This takes place a couple of weeks after the previous chapter. No episodes have happened since then.s

We do not own Danny Phantom or Percy Jackson, only this story and our original characters.}

      While Danny was resting for a few days after the weird fire incident, Thanatos had instructed him to start learning Ancient Greek. Sam helped him as much as she could, but she had trouble focusing when she read the Greek characters, and was also busy helping Tucker keep the ghosts at bay while Phantom was out of commission. Danny managed to learn the Greek alphabet in that time, but not how the words and grammar were put together.

      When Danny had the energy to go back into his ghost form he found that his suit was back to normal, except for the black and green laurel wreath that now sat atop his head. Danny still had no idea how or why it had shown up in the first place, but it wasn't bugging him so he didn't mind.

      After Danny had fully recovered a week after the incident, Thanatos took him back to their training arena in the Underworld. They stopped by Hades' Palace first. Persephone was in her garden when they landed; Nico was nowhere to be seen. Persephone hugged Danny, saying that she was glad he was alright. She made Danny promise not to spontaneously combust again; her intensity reminded Danny of Sam. Persephone then began to speak with Thanatos in what Danny now recognized as Ancient Greek.

      While the two of them were conversing, Hades came out to the garden and pulled Danny off to the side. Danny was worried that he had somehow angered Hades, but he was surprised when Hades looked at him with concern.

      "I hear you tried joining our realm again, Daniel." Hades spoke quietly.

      "I didn't mean to, I just..." Danny began, only to be cut off by Hades raising his hand.

      "I know, but don't try again anytime soon." Hades looked over at his wife and Thanatos talking. "I can't have one of my descendants die before his time."

      "Wait, what?" But Hades walked off, leaving Danny alone and confused. Danny looked at Thanatos in bewilderment, but Thanatos just waved Danny over to where he stood. Persephone had disappeared while Danny had been occupied with Hades. "Did you hear what Hades said?"

      "What did he say?" Thanatos asked.

      "He said that I'm one of his descendants!" Danny put his hands to his temples. "What does that mean?"

      "Hmm," Thanatos put a hand to his chin as if he was pondering Danny's question, but he had a playful glint in his eye. "I think... it means that you are one of his descendants."

      Danny just stared at Thanatos. "... That's no help at all, dude. Thanks a lot."

      Thanatos chuckled. "You being a descendant of Hades would mean that one of your grandparents was a child of Hades."

      "WHAT?" Danny gaped. "But, bu-"

      However, Thanatos was already flying away towards the training arena, and Danny had to hurry after him.

      Danny trained with Thanatos on and off over the next two months. Mainly, they worked on Danny's power control and endurance; Thanatos also taught him some more about how the Underworld functioned. Some days, Thanatos was especially busy with his job, so Danny stayed home and worked on learning Ancient Greek.

      As time passed, Danny began to think about what had happened at their first training session. What did happen? He wondered. Thanatos had not brought it up since Danny had recovered, and Danny had found the pain a bit too fresh to bring up just yet. However, Danny was now curious; what had caused that explosion, and could he do it again, but not as violently? Danny decided to bring up his thoughts on the event at his next training session, the Saturday before his spring break.

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