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Kazuki Saito, a half-human/half-fallenAngel hybrid, walks down the street unknowingly being stalked.

By who? Kuroka Tojou. Ever since their first encounter with each other, Kuroka fell for him and her crush turned into a very unhealthy obsession.

~~Flashback 2 1/2 years ago~~

Kuroka Tojou, a nekomata, walks down a alleyway at night, not wanting to walk the longer way. Although, she quickly realizes that was a mistake as a bunch of men surround her.

These weren't normal human men though. They were all Fallen Angels and they wanted to violate her since she was a "Stray Devil".

One of the Fallen Angels pinned her against the wall while brushing his hands against her breasts.

Nearby, was Kazuki Saito, a seemingly normal high school student who had been walking back home after a meeting with the Student Council members.

He heard loud screams coming from the alleyway and dropped his bags immediately.

He saw the Fallen Angels groping her as tears fell from her eyes. He roared in anger as two crow-like wings sprout from his back and he dived towards the Fallen Angels.

The first one he attacked was the main instigator and he made sure to give him what he deserved. Kazuki grabbed the Fallen Angel by his coat and slammed in the wall before obliterating him with a beam of energy.

"Leave her the fuck alone. I don't want to see you anywhere near her again or I'll kill you all." Kazuki spat, with his veins bulging in anger.

The two other Fallen Angels wasted no time and flew off. Leaving just Kazuki and Kuroka in the alleyway. He turned to her and walked closer to her.

"Hey, I'm so sorry for what happened." He said, brushing her tears away with his hand. "You didn't  deserve that at all and I promise I'll kill them all if they ever try to hurt you or anybody else again. Go home and forget about this, ma'am. Goodnight." Kazuki said as he pressed his lips against her forehead.

Normally that would induce a spell that would make her forget what happened but Kuroka was a Devil. The magic didn't work on her. So that kiss meant something more. It turned into something way more deadlier...

~~Present Day~~

"Kazu? I didn't think you'd make it!" Rias said enthusiastically as she wrapped his arms around his neck and hugged him tightly.

"Of course I'd come. You are my best friend I'd never miss this." Kazuki responded, wrapping his arms around Rias's waist.

"Thank you so much. Come on in, it's about to start." Rias said, giggling with excitement as she pulled the arm of her best friend, leading him into the Occult Research Club.

From the rooftops, Kuroka had been looking down in pure anguish at the fact that Kazuki seemed to be doing just fine without her. But why? Was she not good enough for him?

Landing next to her was Vali, who smirked at her obsessive nature. "You know, he's just a boy who wants to live as much as a normal life as he can. Maybe you shouldn't obsess over him so much." Vali said jokingly which angered Kuroka.

"No... NO! He's gonna be mine. I can feel it. He loves me. He loves me so much. He just doesn't know yet." Kuroka said, fidgeting around with a maniac expression.

Vali stared in disbelief before opening his mouth. "Le Fay may have a elixir that can make him fall in love with you." He said, walking close to her.

"Really??? Well what do I need to do? Cause I'll do anything for that. Please?" Kuroka begged as tears started to form in her eyes. She needed Kazuki desperately.

She longed for him.

"You'll need to find him and ask him to help escort you home. Like you're a human girl who's scared. Then when you do that, text me and I'll tell you what else you'll need to do." Vali explains.

"Why can't I just slip it in his drink?" Kuroka asks while staring through the windows of the Occult Research Club only to see Kazuki dancing with Issei and Kiba.

"Because why would he take a drink of water from a stranger. Plus he's half Fallen Angel. He could probably sense the Elixir. Just let me know when you're able to trick him." Vali said before spreading his Draconic wings and flying off.

Kuroka's eyes never Kazuki's body. His perfect hair, his shining eyes, and his dazzling smile. She just wanted him.

And she didn't care who would have to get burnt in the process.

A/N: OC x Harem x Yandere Kuroka?? Leave suggestions.

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