Chapter 23- the house you must build

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So my internet is kinda being crap so I'm using the manga for this chapter. Sorry if things are different.

Levi knocked on the door where Queen Historia sat in. The muffled words of 'there here' and 'come in', were heard Before the door opened reveling Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Levi, and you. All in the same survey Corp jacket. You stood behind Levi showing the top of your head leaning against both of your crutches. 

You could slightly see Queen Historiya ridding tear from her eyes. Sitting on a chair next to a small tables with three sheets of paper laying down. Wearing the same jacket you are but, with just the shield and not the Wings of Freedom. The same with the white cape she wore.

As Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Levi, and you walk into the room doors shutting behind you she walks to the three younger soldiers standing. 

The three bow as she stood in front of them. "Your Majesty." They all say as you walked to one of the chairs. Sitting down in the chair in front of Commander Hanji you listened to what the Queen had to say to the younger soldier's. "You have been through so much." She said sympathetically before she paused. "Wile I've been watching the south sky from inside the walls." Sadness and regret lingered her voice. "You have an important job, too. Surveying." Armin said to her cheering her yup. "That's right." "Yeah". 

Eren and Mikasa agreed to what Armin was saying.

"You three are practically the same. I'm glad." She cheered to the three earning a smile from each of them. Even if it was small. The two cadets on the side look to the one in the middle when he began to speak. "I think it's just because non of us have really felt it yet." Eren said his words looking away from her Majesty. 

"Why don't we get going." Commander Hanji said fixing there papers in-front of them. There eye was still being covered by the bandages that layer on there face under there glasses. Jean who sat next to them was struggling the rearrange his papers with his one non sling hand. You got up and grabbed the sheets from Jean as Hanji got up next to him. You lean on you crutches as you hand Jean the stack of papers he had.

He gladly took them nodding at the gesture also getting up from his seat. 

You took off as well following behind the group heading to the meeting before you were stoped from a soft had touching your shoulder. You look back to see Queen Historiya giving you a small smile. Behind it though you could see the sadness that settled in her eyes. "Can we talk after this meeting. And ceremony. Also please stay behind and rest wile you can. Your ribs are still broken, correct?" She asked you. 

You couldn't argue with her on staying behind because she was correct. You ribs were still broken. Also she was the Queen. You let out a sigh before nodded to her giving her a smile. "Sure. We can meet back into this room. Is that ok Queen?" You ask earring a small chuckle under her breath. "That sounds perfect." She answered

You both left the room after, her going to the meeting. Wile you go back to your room.

The hallway was quiet because no one was longer staying in the rooms. All of them were dead. Other than the rooms above yours that belonged to the rest of Squad Levi and Commander Hanji. You were the only one left on this floor so it was quiet, to quiet. 

Quiet can be a good thing. When your doing paperwork, trying to sleep, thinking, having a serious conversation, and more. Quietness is a thing most people love in this world. Some people need it to function wile others need noice. Because noise shows that there apart of something and there will alive. Noice can be an escape, mattering on what it is too. Quietness was comforting at times for you. Wile other are sucked up and killed by the quitness, though you wish you could hear something other than your crutches hitting the floor. Because that noice you have learned to associate it with weakness. 

Weakness of not being above to help you fallen comrades of both Kenny Squad and the Scouts. Weakness that shows you can't stand on your own without help. And that feels worse knowing that then when you got crushed from the crystal Making you become weak. It wasn't as if you could heal yourself like Eren and Armin. You don't have that power, so there nothing special about you. Other than that you are standing on more bodies than anyone else in the survey Corp. Your hands stopped being able to hold all the blonde that spilled from your victims so now your swimming in an ocean of bloode or standing on a mountain of bodies looking down at everyone else. 

At time it's struggling for you. Now knowing your fucked up your forced to build a house without any help and instructions. Still having to make it function and stand. You built the base but now you have everything else to do. The walls helping you feels safe. The windows to watch the seasons change. And a roof to make sure you feel at home. 

Looking at the hat with stained blood on the top, laying on a dresser that holds clothing from when you lived with Kenny, Caven, and the others. Even some of there cloths. Stayed in your room.

Wile the desk near the dresser held a stack of paperwork you asked to help Levi with that was already done. He's was generous enough to give you something to do wile you lay down doing nothing to help.

Your room wasn't clean. But it wasn't dirty either. There's paper on the floor. Clothing scrunched into balls alone with bandages. If you wanted a functioning  house it would have to be cleaner than this. 

And seeing everything laying out in front of reminded you again and again that you have to build this house all alone.

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