chapter 26- The white that covered the land.

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So I'm going back to the style I did before the battle to Shiganshina.

Still trying to find out my style of writing so bare with me if it changes more in the future.

Not fully but a part of it.

You'll get it once you read more into the chapter.

Also I spend way to much time on one boring part in this chapter. It was difficult writing this chapter and took way to much time. This is also just me trying to justify why I didn't write this chapter. I apologize.

Thank you EVERYONE for reading this story!! I can't believe this has 5k reads!!

Anyway keep on reading.

Hope you have a great day and night, or when ever your reading this.

Happy Pride Month!!



I was small again. My white shirt and long red skirt were mushed and dirt filled. My hair wasn't brushed and had created a rats nest in itself.

My small arms wrapped around my legs that were brought to my own chest. My head resting on my own knees covered by the dirt filled red skirt that almost wasn't even red.

Then I looked to the men near the gate.

They had drinks in their hands that stunk of alcohol. Their uniforms were clean and their boots had a glint from the small light from the sky above the drift. They were laughing. Telling jokes wile pointing at someone. Either it be someone amongst then selves or someone walking by, just trying to get up.

They laughed.

'Why would they do that?  What's so funny to them?'

I thought as the world around me began to change.

A gist of wind flew around myself . My body grew and my clothing changed. Instead of the long red skirt I switched to tight clean white pants with a clean white button up shirt. Alone with A long green military police coat.

I blinked my eyes. When I opened them I sat in front of Kenny who had his legs on the table and a hat on his head tilted over his eyes.

In his hand a beer cup sat, the handle laid in between his finger . The slight smell of blueberry and beer coming from the cup.

My lips curled up as I watched him taking a sip of the drink. I wanted to touch him again. To make sure this was real. And this wasn't just some curl joke your mind and body came up with again.  I reach out to touch the hand laying on the table. My eyes close for a brief moment the wind comes again and my clothes yet again began to change. 

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