Chapter 7 - The Hospital

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⚠️mentions of injury, sexual abuse and swearing⚠️


Saturday 20th June
Early hours of the morning.

His body didn't want to wake up. Harry desperately tried to move but he was unresponsive, he felt like something was pressing down on him, dragging him under the surface of consciousness.

He was vaguely aware of people running around him, making noise and chaos. Lights burned brightly behind his eyelids and Harry heard someone speaking.

'Mr Styles, if you can hear me can you please try and open you're eyes' the distant voice sounded.

He tried, he really did, but the wave rose up and dragged him under once again.


It was dark outside as the car traveled along the road, the only light coming from the orange-lit lamp posts, each looming at regular intervals and as they pooled light into the car for a brief second before it went dark again.

The drive to the hospital was taking longer than expected (mainly to do with the fact that Gemma had gotten them lost twice now) and Liam drifted in and out of sleep, his head resting comfortably on Zayn's shoulder.

They had already called Paul, their old Bodyguard and tour manager, and filled him in on the situation. Luckily he was in London and told them he would be meeting them at the hospital. Paul was like a second father to all of them and Liam was grateful that he would be there.

The car turned to the right, passing a red emergency sign and Anne wasted no time parking the car.

They climbed out.

Niall, probably procrastinating but also wishing to be helpful, bounded off towards the ticket machine.

Anne caught hold of Gemma's hand and Liam looped his arm through Zayn's.

When Niall returned, they all made their way into the reception area. Paul was waiting just inside and Liam gave him a brief hug before walking further into the hospital.

Their entrance caused quite a few funny looks and Liam didn't even try to stop them as some people pulled out their phones and began taking pictures. Paul loitered behind them, giving warning glances to anyone who tried to get close.

Anne, pointedly ignoring everyone, swiftly made her way to the reception desk.

"Hi, I'm Anne Twist. Can you tell me where I can find my Son Harry Styles?"

The lady behind the desk looked up, startled, but soon regained her composure.
"Of course Ma'am." She began to furiously type into the computer. "Mr Styles has yet to be moved from trauma to a ward. I'll have a nurse come by and take you to see him."
She squinted at them. "Are you all family?"

Liam shuffled on his feet. "No, but we are basically brothers to him."

The receptionist sighed. "If you let his family go in first I'll talk to the doctors to see if we can make an exception. For now you three will need to stay in the Trauma waiting room."

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