Chapter 29

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I never realised that shopping could be such an exhausting sport. For hours I have been pulled into shops and forced to try on every clothing item in store.

Rebecca and Darcy are thoroughly enjoying themselves but I'm getting tired now. However, I can't bring myself to ruin their fun. Now, I am sat in a coffee shop, sipping on a hot chocolate while Rebecca and Darcy go to a few shops of their choice.

I'm just happy I managed to convince them to leave me here. My feet were aching for a break and I just feel a little lazy.

My wolf is begging to go home to our mate and stay in his arms for the rest of the day. Personally, l am just hoping that Rebecca and Darcy don't take me to any more shops.

My multiple bags are sat on a chair by one of the guards who is sitting on a table near the door. I did offer for him to sit with me but I think he is too focused on constantly scanning the area than chit-chatting with me.

The second guard went with the others to keep an eye on them. I feel so sorry for the two men. All day they have had to follow us from shop to shop and carry all our bags.

According to them Mason gave them specific instructions to not let me carry a single bag and to keep me in their sights at all times. Talk about a protecture mate, eh?

"Can I Get you anything else ma'am?" The waitress gives me a fright as she appears in front of my table. She is obviously human, otherwise she would have referred to me as Luna.

As much as I have tried to get the pack members to call me Alyssa, they just can't stop themselves saying Luna. I think its just a built in thing, showing respect to their leaders.

"I am all good, thank you." I reply with a smile. She returns it with a nod before going off to another table. I watch her walk away and my mind starts to think.

What if I was human? Would l be working in a place like this? Would l struggle to make enough money to live? Or would 1 be lucky enough to get a well-paying job?

Most wolf families have generations of saved money that builds up. As a werewolf, I have been lucky enough to be mated to an Alpha. They tend to be the richest in the pack.

My attention is drawn away when I hear the bell above the entrance door ding. Rebecca and Darcy come bustling in, looking very pleased with themselves. I greet them happily as they sit down at my small table.

"How are you? All ok?" Rebecca asks. She looks at me, her eyes searching for anything that she needs to be concerned about.

"All good." I state "Did you get whatever you were looking for?"

"We did." Darcy laughs, giving her mother a look. My brain begs to ask what has got them so happy but if they wanted me to know they would have told me.

"Luna," one of the guards appears in front of us "Alpha has requested that you all return immediately."

Darcy and Rebecca look disappointed but I can't help but feel relieved about it. Then it clicks, why does Mason want us back? Has something happened?

"Has something happened?" I ask, standing up and pushing my chair under the table. The guards look at each other before turning back to me, shaking their heads.

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