Chapter 11

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Before I have the chance to walk into the kitchen I feel small arms wrap around my right leg. Jumping in shock, Mason is instantly on alert.

But looking down, I let out a sigh of relief when I see a little girl hugging my leg. She looks up at me with a toothy grin, her front tooth missing from her smile.

I return the smile and crouch down so I'm at her height.

"Hello there." I say.

"Hello." She says. She reaches out and puts her hands on my cheek making me chuckle.

"What's your name then little lady?"

"Maddie." She replies "Are you Luna?"

"Wow what a wonderful name you have." I say, grabbing her hands from my cheek "Yes, my name is Alyssa."

"Maddie!" Darcy comes into view and rushes over to the little girl. "I told you to go play upstairs for 10 minutes."

Darcy picks Maddie up and places her on her hip. I stand up and Mason quickly resumes having his arm wrapped around my waist.

I take note that his thumb rests along my small bump, rubbing slow circles on the area.

Darcy smiles at me "Sorry. We were trying to give you some privacy."

I look between Darcy and Maddie and the lightbulb clicks. They're mother and daughter! I can tell by the facial similarities and hair colour.

Why didn't she tell me before!

"This is Maddie, my daughter." Darcy says, tickling Maddie under the chin.

"I never knew you had a daughter." I say, astonished. Mason chuckles and squeezes my waist.

"Sorry, I guess so much happened whenever I saw you it just never came up. Plus she's been with William's parents over the past few days."

"Uncle Mason?" Maddie speaks up, putting her arms out for Mason. He removes his arms from around my waist and grabs Maddie from Darcy.

"Yes." He replies. She leans in to whisper but she's not very quiet.

"Luna is very pretty."

I stifle a laugh as Mason grins at me. He turns back to Maddie and whispers back a simple 'I know' before handing her back to Darcy.

They excuse themselves and walk into a room beside the kitchen which I'm guessing is a living room.

"Why didn't you mention that you have a niece?" I turn to Mason and frown.

"There has been so much going on I didn't really think of it." He shrugs.

It makes me feel uneasy. I'm standing here next to my mate, in his parents house about to meet his family while pregnant with his child and I am realising that I barely know him.

I don't even know his favourite colour.

"Mason? Is that you?" I hear a woman calling from the kitchen.

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