Chapter 3

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The car ride is silent but not awkward. I can't stop myself from drifting in and out of sleep the entire journey.

Mason doesn't seem to mind as he focuses on the road ahead, but I do notice the casting glances he sends my way. I try to cover the blush forming during the journey.

It doesn't take long before a huge beautiful mansion comes into view. My jaw involuntarily drops as I stare in awe at the building.

"Welcome to your new home." Mason says giving me a breath taking smile.

I can only stare at the pack house as we pull up in the long driveway. Masons stops the car and gets out of the car without a second thought.

Oh my gosh...

My nerves skyrocket when Mason opens my door, his hand held out for me to take.

Gingerly, I place my hand in his large palm. Almost instantly his hand curls around mine to pull me from my seat.

As soon as I'm out of the car my eyes fall back onto the building that we start walking towards. It's humongous, I am definitely going to get lost.

"This is your pack house?" I ask in disbelief. He lets out a low chuckle and squeezes my hand slightly.

"Yep, although some members live in houses across the territory. I like to keep all pack members close by to ensure their safety." He speaks confidently. "The top floor is a designated area for the Alpha and Luna, for privacy reason."

I can practically hear the smirk in his voice. Instantly panic rises as I remember the baby and what happened last time we slept together. I drop his hand and place both mine in my coat pockets.

I don't miss the hurt look on his face but he continues to walk into the pack house. I thank him quietly as he holds the door open for me.

An audible gasp escapes my lips as I see the beauty of interior design. Everything is so elegant yet so modern.

"Are you hungry?" Mason questions looking at me. My brain thinks about food but instantly my stomach lurches, I clutch my stomach and breath deeply.

"Woah, hey you alright?" Masons grips my shoulders as his worried eyes search my face.

I nod weakly and give him a small reassuring smile. However I feel another wave of nausea coming.

"Where is the bathroom please?" I ask quickly placing a hand over my mouth. He quickly pulls me to a door on the left and opens it for me.

I rush inside, forgetting to close the door behind me, and bring back up my lunch into the toilet.

Mason comes behind me and pulls my hair out of my face. He gently rubs my back as I heave out the remainder of my stomach contents.

When I finally stop vomiting I flush the toilet and sink down to sit on the cold tiles of the bathroom floor. Mason hovers next to me before grabbing a plastic cup from under the sink and filling it with water.

I take the water with a thank you before gulping it down. I sigh as it calms the burning in my throat.

"I am now going to insist on you seeing the pack doctor immediately." He says with a frown on his face.

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