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I felt the sun's warmth hit my eyelids, waking me up from my sleep.
Groaning, I pushed myself up. I hissed at the sharp pain that went through my head.

Fuck. Hangover is a bitch.

I leaned on my hand as I adjusted to my surroundings. Wait? I'm home? How the hell did I get here by myself considering how wasted I got last night? I think?
Looking around, I saw a glass of water and some Advil on my coffee table.

Okay how did those get there?

I swallowed the Advil and downed it with the water. I got up and I swear my sight started spinning. Sitting back down, I leaned further into the couch, cuddling the blanket on my hand. 
Feeling better, I finally stood up and went into my kitchen. I decided to settle on some cereal since I felt like shit and was not in the mood for cooking. I reached for a bowl on my shelf, picked out a spoon from the drawer and grabbed the cereal box and milk. 
I quietly chewed on my cereal and sat in silence. Once I felt full, I washed my bowl and spoon and settled them down on the cloth beside the sink.
I then took a shower and picked out my clothes for the day. Settling on a pair of jeans a good looking blouse, I put them on and slapped on a good amount of make up to look decent.

Examining my face in the mirror, I mentally noted not to get wasted on a work night, considering how bad I looked.

Damn it, I look like I got hit by a truck.

Without a care, I slipped on some flats, grabbed my bag and headed to work.

Once I reached the hospital, I made my way to the lounge. I plopped my bag down, poured myself a huge amount of coffee and sat on a chair.
One by one, the other attendings entered the room and made conversation. 

"Torres! Rough night?" Mark walked up to me, plopping down on the seat beside me.
"That obvious?"
He nodded and I leaned on head on his shoulder.
Me getting home still bugged me. I sat back up and faced Mark.
"Did you take me home last night?"
"No, I got paged remember?"
"So who took me home last night? I barely remember shit."
"Probably Arizona."
"She knows where I live?"
"I guess? You got home right?"
I nodded and sipped on my coffee.
"You guys got it on last night didn't ya?"
I slapped his arm and he laughed.
"Seriously Mark?"
He laughed again and walked out the lounge.
After finishing my coffee, I changed into my scrubs and headed to the Ortho Floor and checked on a few patients.
I checked the OR board and I saw that I was scheduled for a few hip replacements.

I fucking need a banana bag.

I headed to the scrub room and got scrubbed up for the day. I then entered the OR, gowned up and stood over the patient.

"Ten blade."


After the surgery, I went out and signed on a few charts. Seeing it was lunch time, I headed to the cafeteria. 
I took my tray and headed over to the table where Mark, Teddy and Arizona were settled.
Teddy and Arizona were deep into their conversation while Mark on the other hand, played with his apple, reading the newspaper.
"Hey guys." I said with no emotion.
Teddy and Arizona looked up at me, shocked.
"Callie, you look like crap." Teddy told me.
"Ugh I know. Next time you guys, stop me on my 10th glass or shot. I hate hangovers." 
They nodded and went back to talking.
"You guys know who took me home last night? Mark said he didn't. So I'm guessing it's one of you guys?" 
"I did. It was me." Arizona casually said and sipped on her drink
"Thanks though. I hope I didn't make a fool out of myself."
"You're on the clear Calliope."
"Calliope? Cool name Torres."
"Eat your apple Mark."

After lunch I got paged and headed to the patient's room. 
Finishing up with the patient, I headed to an on call room to take a quick nap.

Feeling something vibrate against me, I shot up on the bed, hitting my head on the iron bar from the bunk bed.

"AHHHH FUCK! Son of a bitch."

I rubbed the top of my head, checking my pager and headed out of the room. 
Still rubbing my head, I went to the pit and barged into the trauma room.

"Alright, what do we have here?" I said while slipping on gloves.


Checking the time and realizing my shift was over, I removed my gloves, threw it in the trash and said a few words to the patient.
"Ms. Harrison, Dr. Grey here is gonna take you up for an MRI. Then Dr. Bailey is taking over. I'll see you tomorrow for rounds. Dr. Grey."
Dr. Grey nodded at me and I left the room.

Saying goodbye to the attendings, I left the attending's lounge, stopping at the coffee cart and got me some coffee. 

Soon, I was leaving the hospital, a coffee cup in my hand. Casually sipping it while taking a stroll back to my apartment. Reaching my floor, I entered my apartment while putting by bag on the counter.
I went straight to the kitchen, fixed myself dinner, washed my plate and hung around. After the quick trip to the kitchen, I lazily dragged my feet to the couch and basically threw myself on it. I grabbed the remote and went through the channels. Finding the perfect movie, I quickly popped in some popcorn on the microwave, grabbed a nice bottle of red and a wine glass, and waited for my popcorn. When the popcorn was done, I poured it into the bowl, grabbed the rest of my goodies and went back to my movie.

Halfway through the movie, I heard my phone ring. Digging it out of my bag, I looked at the caller's I.D. shocked. Answering the call, I heard him breathe.

"What do you want George?"

"Please take me back. Look I know I messed up, but please come back. I need you."
"Are you serious? I trusted you. For the millionth time. And you cheat on me? AGAIN? Don't you think I've had enough of your stupidity and man whore ways?"
"Look Callie I love you. I know you know that. Please give me another chance. I'll do anything. Just please come back to me."
"Anything Callie, I swear."
"Alright. How about you go fuck yourself and leave me the fuck alone? And you know what George, screw you! Don't ever bother calling me again or I swear, I'll tell on my dad and you know what my dad can do."
With that, I ended the call and huffed out in anger. The nerve of that stupid excuse of a man. He thinks he can fool me again? Well bitch, I'm Callie Torres and I'm a badass. 
Turning off my tv, I called it a night and went straight to bed.
Looking up at the ceiling, letting the darkness linger in my room, I thought about something.

I really need to get back on the dating scene. I need to get laid. 

Closing my eyes, I heard my phone's ringtone play, for the second time tonight.

Can he just quit already?

I grabbed my phone from my nightstand, not bothering to look at the caller I.D. , I angrily pressed the answer button and held my phone up to my ear.

"I swear to God George, If you won't stop--"
"Calliope?" A woman's voice spoke up.

Wait what?

"Hey yeah it's me, uhm I'm sorry for calling, it's just... Mark dared me. Look I'm really sorry. Sloan's such an ass." "Hey what the hell Robbins!"

I chuckled at her nervous tone and at Mark in the background.
"Hey it's okay. I wasn't busy or anything so no worries."
"Okay cool. Wanna come over here at my place? We're having a movie marathon and playing around, you know, Teddy, Mark, Derek, Meredith, Cristina, Alex, and well, me haha."
"Thanks for the invite but I'm dealing with stuff right now. Maybe another time?"
"Yeah, cool,  sure no problem, next time. Are you okay though? Want me to come over? Do you need someone? I could ditch these guys." She rambled on. I smiled to myself, quickly learning how caring she is.
"I'm good Arizona really. You don't need to worry."
"Okay Callie. You can talk to me alright?"
"Thanks. I'm gonna hang up now. Enjoy your night."
"Good night Calliope."

I ended the call and placed my phone back on top of my night stand.
Hearing her voice, calmed my nerves. I could listen to her all day.
Pulling the covers over my body, I closed my eyes smiling, drifting off into dreamland.

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