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The next morning, we barged into Mark's apartment to convince him to go back to work. Him and Addison were eating breakfast together and a shit eating grin formed on both Callie and I's mouth.

"Welcome back Mark." I walked up to where he sat and threw my arms around him.
"All he needed was a gut slapping pep talk and some sex." Addison said as she sipped on her coffee.
"It wasn't just sex Addie, it was amazing sex."
"Alright fine. It was amazing. Anyways, my work here is done so I'm leaving later tonight."
"Wait what? You're leaving?" Both Callie and Mark asked at the same time.
"Yeah. They need me back at the practice."
"Will you call me when you get there?" Mark said.
"Mark, just so we're clear, we are not getting back together."
"I know, it is bad to have you call me?" Mark protested.
"No, it just brings me back to when we were something."
"Right, so we're leaving you to that. See you at work Mark. Let's go babe." Callie pulled me out and we went to work.

Teddy and Bailey bombarded us with questions when we got to the hospital.
"He might come in today. But I'm telling you guys, he's back." Callie informed the two nosy attendings. 
"That's great. Should we throw him a welcome back party?" Teddy said as she jumped. 
"You and parties. Let's just hope he goes to work today." Bailey said and walked away to go to rounds.

Sadly, Mark didn't come in. Arizona, Teddy and I all burst to his apartment and he wasn't there. We went to Joe's and he wasn't there too. It was noon and we were sweating.
"Mark owes me a shower. I'm gonna fucking kill him once we find him." Teddy mumbled.
"Let's just find him for now okay Teds? We can shower later." I said trying to keep calm.
"Where the fuck could he be? We've been all around." Callie said as she scratched her head.
"I think I know where he is."

We took a cab and headed to the cemetery, and just as I suspected, he was there, crying over Derek's grave.

"Mark..." Callie said, her voice trailing off. 
"I know. I'm pathetic. Laugh at me. But I just miss my best friend okay?" He was trying to compose himself, but when Callie hugged him, he broke down again. Teddy and I went after Callie and the three of us gave him a big tight hug.
"Jeez Mark, you're soaked. Go you back to your apartment and get changed." Teddy said as she let go of Mark.
"Relax, I don't stink. Plus even if I sweat like crazy, I still smell good."
"Well stand the fuck up and go home!" Callie pulled him up until he was back on his feet. 
The four of us took a cab to Mark's apartment. Us women cleaned up the area, while Mark took a shower. When we were done, we went to Callie's apartment and took turns in the shower. Callie lent us clothes and when we were ready to go back to the hospital, we forced Mark to go along with us since he missed a lot. 
The day seemed better now that we had Mark back at work. It wasn't the same without Derek, but we were going to pull through. We had a few good laughs during our short breaks and it felt so good to have the gang, sort of back together. 
That night, after our shifts, we all hanged out back at my place and they ended up spending the night. In my bedroom, Callie and I were getting ready for bed. When I was about to switch my lamp off, Callie sat up then laid back down again. I eventually switch off my lamp and turned on my side, while facing Callie.
"What's wrong? You seem bothered." I finally asked.
"It's just, I feel like something is about to go wrong. I don't know what, but I just have a really bad feeling."
"Maybe that's the tired Callie in you talking. Go to sleep baby."
She spooned me and we slept.


I heard Teddy scream from outside my bedroom door. I may be a morning person but I hated it when people interrupt my sleep. I swung the door open and saw a distressed Teddy.
"What's got your panties twisted?" I asked.
"Mark. He's gone."
"Maybe he went back to his apartment." I shrugged
"Ugh. He just worries me."
"I know. I'm gonna have Callie swing by his apartment later, 'kay?"
"Alright. Can I sleep in there with you guys? I need warmth." She pushed herself inside and climbed on the bed.
"Hands off my girlfriend Altman or I swear, you're not coming out of here alive." 
"Fine. Wasn't planning on it though."

We went to work, and by the time we got there, Mark was already in and flirting with the nurses.

"Oh so that's why you left Zona's so early." Teddy said as she nodded her head.
"Don't get jealous now Altman, you're still my number one."
"Yeah right, but if Callie put out?" Teddy then again said.
"She'd be the number one." Mark said as he looked at Callie.
"Eyes off of Calliope Mark or do you want little Sloan--" I stepped in front of Callie and shielded her from Mark's gaze.
"Possessive Robbins is back. Oh and by the way, I need you for a consult." He said as he walked out of the room.

Teddy laughed while both Callie and I rolled our eyes. I got paged my Mark, literally minutes after he left and I bid the two goodbye. I opened the door to the room that I got paged in and saw Mark talking to a blonde.

"You paged?" The both of them turned around and man, this woman is gorgeous.
"Robbins, this is Dr. Lauren Boswell, she will be scrubbing in on our surgery today. Dr. Boswell, this is Arizona Robbins from Peds."
"Our surgery? Since when was I on this case?" I asked as I shook hands with Dr. Boswell.
"Just now. We need you on this."
"Okay. What's up?"

The both of them talked me through the surgery, how it was going to be done and the part that the three of us were going to be doing. This Dr. Boswell is brilliant. Her intelligence was firing up something in me. I was star-struck by everything she said that I didn't notice Mark poking me.

I jumped at the voice, loudly whispered to me and looked at Mark with a frown on my face.
"I know she's hot but you're with Torres."
"I was listening and was trying to process everything she's saying. And I don't find her hot."
"Your face said it all."
"Whatever. When's the surgery?"
"In a few hours. And quit with the staring."
"I was not! Jeez why don't you read those files over there?"
"I'm watching you Arizona."
I gave him a disgusted look and he just smiled wickedly at me.

I felt someone hover over me as I read and I checked to see who it was. Dr. Boswell was literally inches from me and I felt warm all over. She was looking at what I was reading and my heart started beating like crazy. I looked over at Mark and he was literally staring back at me with a warning look on his face. I gulped and looked back at what I was reading.

"So is that what technique you're going to use Dr. Robbins?"
"Uh--yes. It's the most appropriate. Faster recovery time and less complications."
"Hmmm. I look forward to seeing how that's done up close."

She went back to her area and I released a breath that I didn't know that I was holding in. I excused myself and went to a bathroom. I splashed my face with water and stared at my reflection while gripping the sides of the sink.

I shouldn't be feeling like this. I'm in a relationship with a hot... smoking fucking hot Ortho surgeon and here I am having the hots for a woman I barely even know. 

I gathered myself and went back to the room where Mark and Dr. Boswell were in. They were back to discussing small details in the surgery and I joined to get filled in. We studied for hours, thinking of ways to perfect the surgery since a baby's life was on the line. When we were ready, we headed to the scrub room and scrubbed away. 
Both of them worked their magic, while I stood by and waited for my turn to operate. I felt anxious and had the need to impress Dr. Boswell. They cleared out a little bit, giving me space to work. My part was really not that big but it was crucial. After I was done, Dr. Boswell congratulated me and I felt relieved. 
After a few more hours, we were finally out of the O.R., with good news. We told the parents that the surgery went well and that their baby was moved to a private room up in Peds. Mark was paged 9-1-1, leaving Dr. Boswell and I.

"I'd really love to take a nap, can you show me one of the on call rooms Dr. Robbins?" Dr. Boswell asked and I felt nervous again. 
"Sure. And please, let's not deal with the formalities, call me Arizona."
"Lauren. On call room?"
"Right. This way."

We got to an on call room and before I left, she congratulated me by hugging and praising the work I did.
"It was really nice working with you Arizona. I hope to work with you again soon."
"You were amazing too Lauren. See you around."

I was about to leave, when she pulled arm and put her lips on mine. I kissed back and immediately pulled away, feeling guilty as shit.

"I'm sorry. I can't do this. I have a girlfriend!"
"What she doesn't know won't hurt her." She rubbed my arms and I was pulled back in. 
"I'm sorry I really can't do this." I turned to the door and I felt her front was pressed to my back. She pulled me further into the room and I didn't fight her. She set aside my hair and started trailing kisses up my neck. I knew this was wrong but it felt so good.
All of a sudden, the door burst open.
Callie's eyes were on me and the woman behind me.
"I'm sorry, I'm gonna let you two finish what you're about to do." Her voice was thick with anger and she left the room, slamming the door behind her.
I pulled away from Lauren and went after her.

"CALLIE! STOP! LET ME EXPLAIN!" She was walking fast and she didn't turn around.
"Calliope slow down and let me explain please!"
She stopped in her tracks and slowly faced me. Her eyes were glistening with tears that were threatening to fall any second.
"Okay I'm giving you 2 minutes to explain what the fuck I just saw. What were her lips doing in your neck and why did it seemed like you were about to have sex with that woman?"
"I was about to stop it but--"
"But I came in? It didn't seem like you were going to stop it."
I was about to explain myself further but then she got paged and walked to leave.
"UH YES YOU ARE AND I'M DONE! You can go fuck that woman for all I care but for what's worth, I'm done." She raised her hand up in surrender and walked away.

I was left there in the middle of the hallway, disgusted of myself and wanting to punch myself in face.

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